Dollars BBS | Intro




















Anyone new should probably say "Hi, my name is..." in one place, right? (24)

1 Name: Doktor Fish : 2017-10-26 18:51 ID:eLW7cVJH [Del]

There are a bunch of threads here but not many replies in each. I'm also a newbie here so let me know if I'm wrong but isn't it obvious there should be just one? That way newbies can team up and be new together, I guess. Makes it simpler that way. Anyway, hi. My name is Doktor Fish, call me Dok for short. Nice to meetchya.

2 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-10-27 00:49 ID:Phhh8yvz [Del]

Welcome to the Dollars.
The idea is actually very good, Dok...

3 Name: Satomi : 2017-10-27 13:00 ID:6SmZ/dZm [Del]

Ello Dok, I like the idea of the newbies joining up. I agree on the statement. Welcome to the Dollars~! I'm Satomi Yamada, but call me Sato or Sora if you please~

4 Name: Melancholia : 2017-10-27 16:13 ID:NzOFy9F4 [Del]

Hi, i'm a newbie too. I like this idea. Nice to mett you

5 Name: Doktor Fish : 2017-10-27 17:29 ID:eLW7cVJH [Del]

Awesome, any reasons you guys joined this place? I think mainly people do it out of curiosity but there's also a few perks to it. The Discord server is especially a great form of communication and is setup to serve as both an archive for shared information about different skill sets and interests as well as a place to get advice about personal problems. Really good learning material in there.

6 Name: Bakyura : 2017-10-27 21:04 ID:5z9JvR6e [Del]

<- Newbie. Please call me Ba or Bak. This is a good idea you have going, Dok. I myself joined when I was reading over the wiki for Dollars, then found this mentioned in the trivia section. So I Googled it, got the wrong site (but it has chat rooms so hey), and then found this.

It was mainly out of curiosity, for how the site would be, and how it would be used. Like, would it be like in the anime? A less dramatic/drastic take? Something else? So I joined to see such.

Pleased to meet you all.
(Note: "Bakyura" is, ironically, what a friend has nicknamed me. It was not intentional.)

7 Name: Silver : 2017-11-01 21:41 ID:km0uR8N1 [Del]

Hey! Great idea Dok, I'm surprised that it's not been mentioned before! So! I'm Silver, I honestly had no idea this place even existed so I did a search to see if maybe it did and lo and behold it does! I admit initially it was out of curiosity but now that I've lurked for an hour or so I really like it and intend to stay on, glad to meet all of you!

8 Name: SuckMyDick !aaWI/nsBfU : 2017-11-02 02:10 ID:ACfyzGoa [Del]


9 Name: Essy : 2017-11-02 10:39 ID:rD0/bGz/ [Del]

Hello! I, too was curious about whether the Dollars website actually existed in real life. I assumed that someone had made it a thing. And, it is.

I like your idea, Dok. I really wasn't sure where to start! But this works.

I'm Essy, and I look forward to talking more.

10 Name: Essy : 2017-11-02 10:41 ID:rD0/bGz/ [Del]


That is pronounced "Ezzy", by the way! lol

11 Name: Kowareta : 2017-11-02 22:45 ID:lSM+wJXA [Del]

Hi everyone, new member here as well. Been a fan of the anime for ever since x2 came out. Was shown/directed to this site by by Essy, and I liked the idea of the site in the show, so figured I'd check it out.
Nice meeting you all.

12 Name: Essy : 2017-11-02 23:11 ID:lSM+wJXA [Del]

Welcome, Kowareta! This is gonna be cool!

13 Name: Parsley : 2017-11-03 12:04 ID:UJu7u6Ah [Del]

I'm a new member as well. My name is Parsley c:
I'm also a new fan of Durarara because I've just wached it and it instantly become one of my favourites (I always wanted to but I never had enough time)
I got here from the site I was watching anime on. Someone linked it in the comments so I decided to check it. That's so cool that it exists :D
Btw. I think it's a nice idea with making this thread
Nice to meet you all!

14 Name: Magus : 2017-11-03 12:16 ID:SSUkAejd [Del]

Hello! I'm new, too, and wasn't really sure where to start until I saw this surprisingly active thread.~ I'm glad to meet all of you! I hope we can all be friends!~ ^^
I've absolutely ADORED Durarara, and was so glad to see that a Dollars site actually existed!

15 Name: Magus : 2017-11-03 12:17 ID:SSUkAejd [Del]

Oh, yeah, forget to introduce myself. XD My name is Magus!

16 Name: Parsley : 2017-11-03 13:36 ID:Keq6qFo5 [Del]

Yup, I hope too c:
Welcome, Magus ^^

17 Name: Magus : 2017-11-03 16:02 ID:IFe0EqpU [Del]

Thanks for the welcome. ^^

18 Name: ⚫️〰⭕️ : 2017-11-03 16:34 ID:meton8zD [Del]

Hello! I'm also new.

19 Name: Magus !Le4J3oPcB6 : 2017-11-03 16:40 ID:IFe0EqpU [Del]

>>18 Welcome, fellow new person.~
Also, hope I did the password or whatever right. XD

20 Name: Essy : 2017-11-03 21:05 ID:9yC+2ufB [Del]

Hey guys! If you’re new, I recommend the Amino app Dollars thing (link on the main board). I just joined today, and it is a LOT more active than the BBS. And, you can use the app to access the BBS.

21 Name: Magus !Le4J3oPcB6 : 2017-11-03 22:37 ID:IFe0EqpU [Del]

>>20 Thanks! I'll go check that out!

22 Name: Essy : 2017-11-03 23:55 ID:9yC+2ufB [Del]

Update: I followed Dok’s idea and made a newbie public chat on the amino called “Since You’ New...”! Go ahead and join us as soon as you enter the Dollars app and you’ll have others to talk to.

23 Name: Parsley : 2017-11-04 08:27 ID:Keq6qFo5 [Del]

>>22 Oh, cool. I'll check that out too, but a little bit later :)

24 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-11-05 12:00 ID:DO+qv2V+ [Del]

There's a welcoming thread for the intro board. Feel free to post there and say hi to some of the other newbies.