Dollars BBS | Intro




















Clueless Newbie (15)

1 Name: Tejas : 2017-02-14 20:38 ID:rLIjFvLK [Del]

hey im new here as well
there are talks about missions and stuff and i was kinda wondering about the scale of that. i want to help but im not sure how i can

2 Name: Tejas : 2017-02-14 20:45 ID:rLIjFvLK [Del]

Also, is there a notification system for replies or do i have to refresh the page every time

3 Name: Micah : 2017-02-15 01:10 ID:2VlnG5W7 [Del]

Welcome to the Dollars!

I'm new here as well, so I can't really help you with much. A lot of the missions are petitions and such that you can sign to help out people. Other things are simple: Just be a good person and help people out in real life. Open doors for people, pick up trash, offer your assistance even if it seems like people don't need it.

There are no notifications, as there are no accounts here. You have to go back to your post in order to see if anyone commented. Bummer, but what can you do?

I hope you enjoy being a member of the Dollars. I hope I helped!

4 Name: Tejas : 2017-02-15 01:16 ID:rLIjFvLK [Del]

thanks so much. man, im getting a really good sense of community from this. this is really cool. would you happen to know why there are no accounts?

5 Name: Micah : 2017-02-15 01:19 ID:2VlnG5W7 [Del]

My guess is, this is just a completely anonymous site. No accounts means anyone can just type in a random name to identify as. It kinda makes us mysterious in a way. Not sure why we don't have accounts here but I'm not complaining. If people want to keep in contact we can always exchange emails.

6 Name: Tejas : 2017-02-15 01:30 ID:rLIjFvLK [Del]

well i have a suggestion. maybe you could star or mark certain threads that you want to get updates on and there's a menu you can pull out that list the threads you marked (kinda like social medias) so that you can quick travel to those threads to check for uodates.

just kinda wishing for a more convenient system since i opened all the threads im a part of in separate tabs in order to keep track of all of them

7 Name: Micah : 2017-02-15 10:58 ID:2VlnG5W7 [Del]

Yeah I know, it does suck, but it's been this way since the site was created years ago, so I doubt the admin would change anything. Just try to remember all of your threads to the best of your ability. Here's a tip though, try not to make too many of them in one day or you could lose track of them. Also, here's a little advice.

If you go to a certain section of the site, let's say "Personal", you can click "View All Threads" to take a look at them all. Look for your name. It will show your thread and how many people commented on it. If someone comments on it, let's say hours after you post it, your thread will magically be at the very top. So it's somewhat easy to look for your posts, but it's fairly inconvenient.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Tejas : 2017-02-15 19:01 ID:rLIjFvLK [Del]

thats pretty useful

10 Name: Micah : 2017-02-15 19:17 ID:2VlnG5W7 [Del]

Happy to help!

11 Name: randumtacoz : 2017-02-15 20:30 ID:4nm1IHSl [Del]

Dollars app and chat, it can be a bit confusing to use at first but you'll catch on, you can do everything from view any of the stuff on the dollar's site or dollar related sites from there. However, for some reason it doesn't seem to let you reply to any of the threads here, so you have to use your browser for that.
Hope this helps!

12 Name: randumtacoz : 2017-02-15 20:32 ID:4nm1IHSl [Del]

*everything from view any of the stuff...from there to chatting with other dollars in the world."

13 Name: Tejas : 2017-02-16 18:13 ID:rLIjFvLK [Del]

oh one more question if you guys are still there. what does the sage thing do?

14 Name: Alcazar !AlcacST./. : 2017-02-16 18:27 ID:DaNgEgVz [Del]

It basically prevents a thread from going on top if someone posts on it.


15 Name: Tejas : 2017-02-17 01:30 ID:rLIjFvLK [Del]

oh ok