Dollars BBS | Intro




















Too Many Words for an Introduction (9)

1 Name: PaperWings : 2016-07-07 19:16 ID:lQk8s2mj [Del]

Hello, people of the internet. I'm not sure why I'm bothering with an introduction, since I'm likely to (continue to) lurk on these boards for the most part, but I would have felt odd posting elsewhere on this site without one. I dislike social obligations, but I do occasionally feel the desire to interact with human beings, so I thought I'd give this internet community thing a chance. In an attempt to make this more than a simple greeting and actually worth the time you've spent reading this, I suppose I should actually reveal something about myself, even though there doesn't seem to be much of a precedent for these posts being highly illuminating.

I'm a collegiate music and pre-law student and basically a shut-in, a condition which I attribute to my studies during the school year and to my character the rest of the time. I'm a conservative, an atheist, a vegan, and unafraid to speak my mind, which can prove to be an entertaining combination. Beyond the typical pastimes of people in my generation (books, video games, and shows), I love to cook and bake and generally make a mess of the kitchen. I live in the country, grow a garden with my family, and am perhaps a bit too proud of our over-300-pound pumpkins. And, if you somehow haven't already drawn this conclusion, I'm excessively verbose, so I apologize in advance for assaulting you with walls of text.

That should be more than enough for an introduction, I think. For those of you who actually bothered to read all that, I applaud you for your tenacity and simultaneously question your use of your free time. But thank you all the same. Here's hoping I can provide some entertainment for you, in some fashion, as you have and will for me.

2 Name: PurpleLily : 2016-07-09 15:47 ID:5WOKGn8s [Del]

Welcome PaperWings! ^^ I hope you have a great time here, and those pumpkins does sound impressing >.<

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: cli·chéd : 2016-07-10 14:17 ID:4nvPgmW9 [Del]

>>1 Based off the information you've given me, I like you so far. You are an interesting combination. I always read longer introductions because they prove to be more entertaining than most.


5 Name: Yukinae : 2016-07-10 16:39 ID:y9qnoZiA [Del]

I think i'm gonna like you, PaperWings.

6 Name: Reii!qdan5xRCJU : 2016-07-11 06:41 ID:ur6xd+je [Del]

After reading your well-written introduction, I have concluded that you are an interesting person, PaperWings. Welcome to Dollars~

7 Name: Hayato : 2016-07-11 06:45 ID:07ZBdm+e [Del]

Somehow I feel like this is how a real intoduction should be like.

8 Name: Akirai : 2016-07-11 13:08 ID:eYvQ1H4R [Del]

Welcome to the Dollars, PaperWings!

9 Name: PaperWings : 2016-07-11 15:18 ID:lQk8s2mj [Del]

Thanks so much, everyone. It's lovely to feel so welcome.