Dollars BBS | Intro




















Pleased to meet you all (9)

1 Name: Tithor : 2016-02-04 21:23 ID:YRKwZBnD [Del]

Hey, I'm Tithor. Something I'm interested in is strangely the talent of others. I try to study talent in hopes to understand what creates it (sorry if that weirds anyone out). I'm glad I can work with a community and to help contribute to it. After looking into this group for a few days I really want to help make it bigger. If there's anything I can do to help out then please contact me at with whatever you need.

2 Name: Tanaka !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-02-04 21:48 ID:0ryzBu0e [Del]

Pleasure to meet you. Just going to go ahead and ask that you ignore all the yellow scarves stuff, its not real, just some of our less... Mature members being irritating. MOST IMPORTANTLY: This is NOT, I repeat NOT, a durarara fansite. We have become a real, independent organization, and will not tolerate being treated as a fansite. Also, I'll ask that before you post in missions, PLEASE make sure your idea is both practical, and original. Looking forward to seeing you around! Also, as an older member to a newer, should you ever require any assistance simply contact me at (no caps) And as for what to do, please, for the lov of god, lurk for a good few days

3 Name: Articuno : 2016-02-04 21:48 ID:87vB0uOw [Del]

Interesting. Curious, how do you define talent? Or in another phrasing, what is your definition of talent based on your studies?

4 Name: Tithor : 2016-02-05 06:10 ID:YRKwZBnD [Del]

My own definition of talent would simply be that talent is born from minds that are more adept at doing things better than others can and don't need former experience in doing these tasks to be skilled at it. For example, let's say there was a music class and the teacher was teaching younger kids what a piano is, but suddenly when one of the kids goes up there they can play without any former knowledge. It sounds ridiculous and impossible in that way but there have been hundreds of cases very similar to this example. What I want to figure out is why those people can do that, my main theory as of now that I'm focusing on is that maybe the people born with this are able to access more than the average brain capacity of humans. That's more of a theory though. I hope that somewhat answered your question, Articuno.

5 Name: Articuno : 2016-02-05 09:56 ID:87vB0uOw [Del]

Have you looked into how genetics might play a role?

6 Name: Tithor : 2016-02-05 16:56 ID:YRKwZBnD [Del]

Indeed I have, unfortunately that is something I don't believe can be put into the equation. Many kids usually get their liking and skills from the parents before but in some cases the the talent that the child may possess could be largely different. For example the parents could both be really good at baseball but the child could end up having a talent in art. I honestly haven't put as much research as I could in that specific topic due to the wide range of possibilities but I'll definatelly look into it again since you mentioned it.

7 Name: Tithor : 2016-02-05 18:39 ID:CteeU+Hr [Del]

If you wish to ask me more about it, Articuno, then please send me an email. I'm glad I've found someone who shares a interest in this research.

8 Name: Articuno : 2016-02-06 06:38 ID:87vB0uOw [Del]

I will indeed.

9 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-02-06 11:51 ID:Ycs97LHc [Del]

Try looking into early childhood development. I know that the reason I take such an interest in history and philosophy is because I was introduced to it at a young age. Hope this helps!