Dollars BBS | Intro




















Interesting (13)

1 Name: Helna : 2016-01-20 06:22 ID:CgZ4esJp [Del]

I find it interesting that there is a site for the Dollars. Well, I am sure it will be a fun experience. It is nice to meet you all.

2 Name: Kotoba : 2016-01-20 07:13 ID:yPaS4TM3 [Del]

Hiii Helna o/

3 Name: Tanaka : 2016-01-20 07:24 ID:0ryzBu0e [Del]

Pleasure to meet you. Just going to go ahead and ask that you ignore all the yellow scarves stuff, its not real, just some of our less... Mature members being irritating. MOST IMPORTANTLY: This is NOT, I repeat NOT, a durarara fansite. We have become a real, independent organization, and will not tolerate being treated as a fansite. Also, I'll ask that before you post in missions, PLEASE make sure your idea is both practical, and original. Looking forward to seeing you around! Also, as an older member to a newer, should you ever require any assistance simply contact me at (no caps) And as for what to do, please, for the lov of god, lurk for a good few days

4 Name: Helna : 2016-01-20 08:37 ID:CgZ4esJp [Del]

I appreciate the advice. I've been looking around at a lot of the posts here so I'm fairly certain I understand most of the rules. However, if I end up making any mistakes then I'll understand being warned and such. The fact that this is a real, independent organization is even better. Though it is not a fan site I think many of us can still appreciate the inspiration. The Dollars was a very interesting concept so I can certainly see how inspiration would come from it. I shall be sure to remember to contact you if I need assistance.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2016-01-20 13:41 ID:kRizn108 [Del]

Yea that stuff about yellow scarves is rubbish, but the Blue Squares...that is a different story....

6 Name: Tanaka !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-01-20 13:44 ID:g95Kjx6l [Del]

Yeah, the blue squares are trash not Rubbish. Don't scare a newbie for no reason dumbass.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2016-01-20 13:48 ID:XIjXTB+N [Del]

I doubt using the word "rubbish" instead of "trash" is going to scare someone new...

8 Name: Tanaka !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-01-20 13:51 ID:g95Kjx6l [Del]

I was referring to your implication that the blue squares were a legitimate group that exists. Which they aren't. To date, the various sects of the dollars are the only active and existent groups to have come out of durarara. The Yellow Scarves, Blue Squares, White Squares, and Purple Sashes are all either fake or dead, and anyone who claims to be a member of one of those groups is either, a liar, a troll, a roleplayer, or some combination of the three.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2016-01-20 14:13 ID:kRizn108 [Del]

I never heard of any Purple Slashes in need to do some research ;)

10 Name: Tanaka !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-01-20 14:14 ID:g95Kjx6l [Del]

Read the fucking light novel shitlord

11 Name: Anonymous : 2016-01-20 14:25 ID:kRizn108 [Del]

meh, is it better than the anime?

12 Name: Helna : 2016-01-20 15:16 ID:LeH4BtFN [Del]

The source material is usually better than the anime. So I'd say yes. Anyway, I won't be scared by people throwing around the names of fictional gangs. However, I do appreciate the concern, Tanaka. Thank you. You're clearly a good person that doesn't take anyone's shit. I can appreciate that.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2016-01-20 17:05 ID:tyfZ9I3G [Del]

Better source material?! OOOOOOH...meh