Dollars BBS | Intro




















Hi! (13)

1 Name: Em.Cana : 2015-11-07 09:52 ID:FlTp1+NR [Del]

Hi! I'm new here and I absolutely LOVE the anime and I've been fascinated by the idea of the Dollars ever since I heard of them. I'm so happy there's an actual Dollars group out there! I saw amazing things on this website, I love the community and I'm really looking forward to taking part in it!

2 Name: Kotoba : 2015-11-07 09:58 ID:UwLS6uMq [Del]

Hi Em.Canaa :3 Welcome to the Dollars ^u^

3 Name: Em.Cana : 2015-11-07 10:14 ID:FlTp1+NR [Del]

>>2 thank you! ^.^

4 Name: Kage~chan !v.YyOzCW4Q : 2015-11-07 11:51 ID:GHzGfqJh [Del]

Welcome to the Dollars! o3o//
Just remember to watch out for trolls, although they're pretty rare :33

5 Name: Em.Cana : 2015-11-07 18:46 ID:FlTp1+NR [Del]

>>4 Okay, thanks! ^-^

6 Name: Kassondra : 2015-11-07 19:14 ID:jyPyz1bL [Del]

I'm new too! It's so nice to meet you all!

7 Name: Mikasa : 2015-11-07 19:21 ID:9qo9XH+7 [Del]

I'm new as well. It's a pleasure to meet everyone!! ^_^

8 Name: Kanra-Chan !c3Be7u15KM : 2015-11-07 19:32 ID:rfPNgcwX [Del]

I'm new as well. It's a pleasure to meet you all.

9 Name: Kage~chan !v.YyOzCW4Q : 2015-11-07 19:42 ID:GHzGfqJh [Del]

>>6 >>7 >>8 Welcome to the Dollars! o3o//
I suggest making a thread for an introduction :F

10 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-07 21:38 ID:CX+8D+BD [Del]

HI. I am new and well, maybe not that new. But still new. I started yesterday, and I was wondering what we do as Dollars. Or if it is an actual gang irl. If it is, I would LOVE to join.

11 Name: Muramasa : 2015-11-07 21:59 ID:wqjUk+2g [Del]

I'm also new! Welcome, I'm sure you'll have fun here!
>>10 This site mainly focuses on just having fun and hanging out with each other, giving moral support, etc. Other than that, we try to make the world a better place and help others (see "missions").

12 Name: Kanra-Chan !c3Be7u15KM : 2015-11-07 21:59 ID:rfPNgcwX [Del]

Anonymous we are trying to change the world through positive means, and do good in the world and help others. Please don't follow those who are trying to start gang wars irl and such saying we're a gang. We're more of an organization of sorts that is invisible. We do change behind the scene's, we make impacts and no one knows. We help people, and things that need it.

13 Name: Kage~chan !v.YyOzCW4Q : 2015-11-07 23:07 ID:GHzGfqJh [Del]

Welcome to the Dollars! o3o//
It kinda is a gang. But it's great.