Dollars BBS | Intro




















Tuturu! (wrong anime, I know) (4)

1 Name: Kirakuna : 2015-07-17 01:20 ID:O/lULaSL [Del]

Hey there.. hey Dollar's fellow members..

Uum hayoo, I don't know what to say..

Introductions always make me feel uncomfortable because they make me realize that I'm basically just a 10lb brain piloting a slab of meat, a simple splotch, like everyone, all equal before God (shout out to Izaya's philosophical response)

So.. I hope I'll make my virtual and humanitarian existence a bit more grateful toward humanity with you and.. well, yeah.. yeah that's.. that's all..

Let's have some fun, help each others, make this floating rock in a giant space that has no real end a better place to live and.. guess that's it..

じゃね! (ja neeee!/see ya!)

- I don't know if there is actually a special way to get the password, but I just found it while watching the episode 10.. sorry -

2 Name: Кристина !!Ihd2plOZ : 2015-07-17 04:27 ID:Dxe0xVz3 [Del]

Hey there, Kirakuna. We are glad to have you~.

That is true, but don't forget we are self-aware living beings, intelligent in the original sense of intellego, that is, "read between lines", profound, metaphysical thinking. I don't believe in any gods, but the equalising nature of death is undeniable, and shouldn't be a reason for suffering. After all, I don't believe there's anything after death, and for me it's the same as not having be born; anything. Suffering while alive because of an extreme fear of death is pointless. I'm a bit of a stoic in that sense.

Best of lucks with becoming your best self. I can tell you from experience that this site and the people in it has helped me improve a lot and I'm thankful for it.

Sorry if a rambled a little. Your introduction was deep and I couldn't resist. Heh. I'd like to talk to you someday.

Have a good day, see you around~.

PS: Oh, don't worry. Most people found it that way, although not everyone. No need to feel guilty about it ^^.

3 Name: Кристина !!Ihd2plOZ : 2015-07-17 04:29 ID:pt1hCQiL [Del]

Wait wait wait... Was that reference the coice of Steins;Gate? Can I marry you?

4 Name: Kirakuna : 2015-07-17 15:04 ID:O/lULaSL [Del]

And this took an unexpected deeper philosophical turn about how absurd life and humans are.. I'm in love.
Let's have a talk someday,
- Tuturu, because Mayushii is the cutest thing ever that could end wars, poverty and hunger by signing "Juicy Karaage Number one, Wow" -