Dollars BBS | Intro




















hihi~ (11)

1 Name: Hakuro : 2013-11-14 22:06 ID:cGkNQ7DV [Del]


I am a total otaku and while I'd love to brag about all of the anime/manga stuff I own, I can't, because I'm still a minor with no source of income besides my parents. Not to mention that I am also a total cheapska-*ahem*-slightly frugal when it comes to spending money.

I won't add any more info though, since even though this is Dollars, the online world is still pretty dangerous~

Also, I somehow feel like a complete novice and clueless idiot for asking this, but when you reply to something, there's a little check box that says 'sage', right? What exactly does 'sage' mean/do?

2 Name: SnowyRin!!1MB0daGg : 2013-11-14 22:17 ID:WlTtVQ/3 [Del]

I think we've met here before, but you could easily just have the same name by coincidence.
Anyway, hiyas and welcome. I think sage means your post wont make the thread show up as recently posted in. The post will be there and people can see, but it wont affect status.
I might be wrong, so you may want to look into it yourself, or wait for a more knowledgable member to explain.

3 Name: Hakuro : 2013-11-14 22:25 ID:cGkNQ7DV [Del]

Recently, in addition to anime and manga, I also am starting to read light novels (at least, the English translated ones), and so thus my latest obsession is Durarara!, which is how I eventually came upon this site. For those of you who haven't read the light novels, I seriously recommend them. They're written really well and in my opinion, sometimes tell the story in a better way than the anime and manga and portrays stuff better. Plus, the light novels are the 'original' and they haven't ended yet. Just look them up, and you should be able to find all sorts of sites where you can read them. ^_^

…ugh, I can't believe I forgot to add this in earlier, so just pretend that I did, okay?~~~

lol. Wow I really wrote quite a lot, didn't I? Pretty much a fangirl rant~~~

4 Name: Hakuro : 2013-11-14 22:36 ID:cGkNQ7DV [Del]

>>2 really? fm fm how interesting~ although I did just join today…so if you knew 'me' before today, then it's definitely someone else…

Also, thank you very much for answering my question. ~~~

*sighs* I'm the person posting the most on my own introduction…this makes me feel very pathetic OTL. lol

5 Name: SnowyRin!!1MB0daGg : 2013-11-15 15:03 ID:WlTtVQ/3 [Del]

Lol, it's a good thing. Most members don't post at all.

6 Name: brown-haired : 2013-11-15 16:50 ID:aF+Of9nI [Del]

THERE ARE LN IN ENGLSH. WHERE. like i have time in addition to my med studies, but whatever, gimme <3 XD

7 Name: Hakuro : 2013-11-15 18:26 ID:cGkNQ7DV [Del]


A few LN series have already been 'officially' translated into English, I believe. Like the Haruhi Suzumiya series, or Kino's Journey, or Book Girl for some of those Light Novels, you won't be able to find the online translations anymore...instead, I think they are available on Amazon.

For the online translated ones, there are quite a lot out can just pretty much type the name of the light novel, plus 'english translations' into any search engine thing, and get a bunch of results...

A really good site with a lot of light novels is:

You can even find mobi, epub, and pdf downloads for them :D

it's pretty rare to find a group with this many projects going on...although there are a lot of groups that just translate a select few LNs. ^_^

(side note: I swear I'm the only person who will ever read the light novels before watching the anime...especially for things like Durarara! and ToraDora and SAO. It's so frustrating sometimes)

8 Name: Hakuro : 2013-11-15 18:32 ID:cGkNQ7DV [Del]

arrrgh, I typed too much AGAIN. OTL OTL OTL

9 Name: Sayaka Yachan : 2013-11-15 23:42 ID:j92m2CXM [Del]

I'm a total Otaku too~! >< Yoroshiku ><"

10 Name: SnowyRin!!1MB0daGg : 2013-11-15 23:48 ID:WlTtVQ/3 [Del]

I've always loved Baka-Tsuki. I just wish they'd start working on the Log Horizon LNs.. <_<;

11 Name: brown-haired : 2013-11-16 10:29 ID:aF+Of9nI [Del]

ohhhhh, tyvm. i'm in great dept to you now. fail grammar. XD