Dollars BBS | Intro




















A Happy Surprise (16)

1 Name: Hei : 2013-08-18 07:31 ID:wSq+fjZI [Del]

It was a nice surprise to learn that The Dollars were in fact a thing, nicer still to be invited.. I should have known someone out there would bring this to reality. Lovely to meet you all, I'll be going by Hei..

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Ace : 2013-08-18 13:01 ID:2+74Hw0J [Del]

hey hei!
we should discuss something.
introductions are boring, and small talk is pointless.
with the anonymity of the Internet at our disposal, being conventional is entirely irrelevant on every level.
so, are you a mac or pc? ouo

4 Name: Hei : 2013-08-18 13:59 ID:wSq+fjZI [Del]

Hey Ace, I've noticed your quite active around these parts.. I'm pc, never been fond of macs, yourself?

5 Name: Ace : 2013-08-18 15:22 ID:2+74Hw0J [Del]

Macs are like trying to learn how to dance in a full body cast when you're trying to program.
it's mind murder.
you do much programming?

6 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2013-08-18 17:14 ID:C1iA1ArK [Del]

Is that you, Hei? The one I met on the chat with the mixed talking group? Anyway, welcome to the Dollars!

7 Name: Hei !qq9YNJYYuU : 2013-08-18 19:47 ID:wSq+fjZI [Del]

Have to use them in Uni sometimes.. Some of the passwords have hash tags in them.. >< None unfortunately, you?

I'm a different Hei, but nice to meet you all the same!

8 Name: Ace : 2013-08-18 23:11 ID:BmHXuZaj [Del]

I'm trying to teach myself a bunch o programming languages, but it's hard to do it when you're on your own with it.
so I'm going to be making a game in javascript and html5 and go from there.

well, next topic!
by your rough estimate, how many elephants do you think can fit on a suspension bridge?

9 Name: Kaii : 2013-08-18 23:14 ID:MEoLMbmF [Del]

None xD

10 Name: Ace : 2013-08-18 23:17 ID:BmHXuZaj [Del]

I think if you tried you could get 3 or 4 of em on, easy!
for a zoo?
how else can you transport an elephant!

11 Name: Hei !qq9YNJYYuU : 2013-08-19 07:30 ID:wSq+fjZI [Del]

I think it would depend on the suspension bridge xD At least two or three if it's well made :P I know a few people doing programming, it sounds very interesting, if not infuriating too..

12 Name: Ace : 2013-08-19 15:04 ID:BmHXuZaj [Del]

XD I can never get mad at programming...
I love it too much.
but I think that a suspension bridge could hold at least 30 or 40.
I mean, a truck would weigh about one ton...
and bridges can't hold just 3 trucks.

13 Name: Hei !qq9YNJYYuU : 2013-08-19 15:47 ID:wSq+fjZI [Del]

Are we talking rope and wood or steel and concrete? Not sure why I assumed the first.. A modern suspension bridge could hold a decent amount alright :P

14 Post deleted by user.

15 Name: Shizo-chanxizaya- kun : 2013-08-19 16:08 ID:KLyU5p9m [Del]

Hey, hei

are you a fan of darker than black then?

16 Name: Hei !qq9YNJYYuU : 2013-08-20 09:04 ID:wSq+fjZI [Del]

I am indeed, just got around to finishing off the second season.. Thought it was as good a name as any to go by here.