Dollars BBS | Intro




















Time For My Introduction, I Guess (14)

1 Name: Blakely : 2013-06-19 14:58 ID:4P3rAE7D [Del]

I just finished the anime (I'm kinda late, I know) and I thought it was great. Then I thought that there's probably an actual fansite for it, so now I'm here, as a part of the Dollars myself. What I've seen of this website though, sucks. The format's all right, but nobody is actually "being" the Dollars. It's just crappy art and roleplay. I mean, that stuff should be for deviantART or iScribble. I think we should make this website an actual Dollars site, don't you think?

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3 Name: kitty-kat : 2013-06-20 15:12 ID:7/7ivMU+ [Del]

This is just a fansite, but hey, welcome!

4 Name: Animetrix : 2013-06-21 02:16 ID:LfaICDTB [Del]

Yo and welcome to Dollars. :3
You got a point. Some people were like "I'm gonna be Shizuo!!"
"I am Setton/Saika" etc.

5 Name: Remi : 2013-06-21 12:01 ID:LgETdo8Z [Del]

>>1 Well, the admin is set on making Dollars help change the world (into a better place), and though it does seem like a fansite at times, I think that the members here help anyone out.

6 Name: Blakely : 2013-06-22 17:01 ID:4P3rAE7D [Del]

I've seen actual help being done, but for the most part it's immature DRRR fans who want to roleplay thinks that have absolutelt NOTHING to do with the Dollars. It's annoying, but I don't mind. Can't love the entire community, I guess. I apprecaite what the admin does. Thank you for the welcomes. <3

7 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-22 19:47 ID:f+YBtYrx [Del]

>>6 are you sure you aren't referring to the chat room? Because a disclaimer on main is that we don't own the chat room, and I don't really see alot of roleplays on the dollars. Anyways welcome to the site, I hope you have fun, and if your interested in helping, try posting around missions, suggestions, and personal for anything along the lines of help. Just giving you direction is all. Hope that helps

8 Name: Blakely : 2013-06-22 20:10 ID:4P3rAE7D [Del]

Thank you, and yeah for the most part I am talking about the chatrooms. But seeing as it is actually linked to the site, AND there doesn't seem to be any other chatrooms, so no matter whether or not it's owned by the admin, it's still a part of the website, in a way. It's annoying and I wish there was a way to control it, but then again, that would go against the Dollars. So okay, I guess I won't be very active there. But I will try to be active in the threads, because I genuinely enjoy what we're doing here.

9 Name: Sakunya S. : 2013-06-23 01:10 ID:t3k1sSAb [Del]

Welcome to the dollars~

I see what you're talking about, this website is a whole bunch of roleplay, but since there are a lot of people who didn't really get how to "get along" with this website, they just started roleplay, I really don't know. But from what I know why these art and other boards are here are here for us to get along and know each ogther :)

10 Name: Blakely : 2013-06-23 10:58 ID:4P3rAE7D [Del]

Thank you! :>

Yeah, when I was younger I used to roleplay a lot because that was the only way I could make friends. So I can see where they're coming from. It's still irritating, though. Oh well. I'll live. xD

11 Name: Number39 !VtUZ63FZ7Q : 2013-06-23 13:28 ID:GKh6d0SS [Del]

If you read the FAQ, it's pretty much just another forum like any other just with a password to get in, for aesthetics. It's the people here who set it apart from the rest. So welcome!

12 Name: saya : 2013-06-23 23:06 ID:qDoSIdpI [Del]

so maybe it is roleplay but i think alot of us really have the iddea of helping. probaly i'm speak only for myself... maybe a few others too, but we really believe we can help... honestly if you don't standd for sommething AND believe you're doing it, you won't achieve anything.

13 Name: Blakely : 2013-06-24 02:08 ID:4P3rAE7D [Del]

Everyone here is really kind, and wise. I like it. I've never met a more friendly place (although I did meet a buttmunch earlier) and it's really welcoming. Thank you both. <3

14 Post deleted by user.