Dollars BBS | Intro




















Um... Hi (15)

1 Name: ROXY : 2013-05-30 23:50 ID:tlSwg/LK [Del]

I'm new here (obviously). I guess I came to the Dollars to make a connection with someone. A lot of the time, I feel lonely and disconnected from people. Sometimes the disconnection is so bad that I feel like I should just die.

I must sound pretty pathetic, huh?

2 Name: d♣_♣b : 2013-05-31 00:13 ID:EnH0cMb+ [Del]

Not at all. TBH I to am a social outcast. Infact I tried to commite suicide several times in the past. The world is a stressful place and reality can be rather harsh, but just as they did with me The Dollars will welcome you with open arms. ROXY¿ Hmmm thats a beautiful name. xP

3 Name: d♣_♣b : 2013-05-31 00:23 ID:EnH0cMb+ [Del]

I think you will enjoy the chatrooms. Believe me when I say that when your in a chatroom it's hard to feel like you don't belong. . . Well unless its crowded. xP

4 Name: ROXY : 2013-05-31 00:32 ID:tlSwg/LK [Del]

Thanks... I just want to feel like living again. I don't want to stay alive out of an obligation to anyone anymore. I too have also tried suicide a few times, but my body never let's me die.

5 Name: Clover eyes ( on a my phone ) : 2013-05-31 01:55 ID:EnH0cMb+ [Del]

Yeah I know how thats like. Im still going through my dark hour of depression and it feels like its going to last forever. I've been feeling like this for 6 years and it feels like I have a well understanding on reality and human society. The reason Im like this is because of a girl that could and will never be mine, and as my thoughts grow deeper and heavier I lay at the edge of my bed as my heart turns to lead waiting for a call from her. That is why Im like this. Why are you so dogged from life.

6 Name: ROXY : 2013-05-31 02:09 ID:tlSwg/LK [Del]

I just feel disconnected from everyone. I act completely different depending on who I'm with at the time... I don't know which me is real and which one is an act. I fear that I'll never know which parts of me are real and which are an act. I fear that I'll end up even more alone than I already am because of this.

Right now, I think the only thing keeping me here are people's connections to me, but not my connections to them.

7 Name: Clover eyes ( on my phone ) : 2013-05-31 02:23 ID:EnH0cMb+ [Del]

Believe me when I say. I know what you feel. I can not believe that after all these years I've meat someone like me. I thought I was the only one like this. I mean I use to think I was shy but it was more than that. I can't fit in with any social groups. I find myself to be so different from others. Sometimes I begin to feel inhuman. Often times I feel like society will never accept me. And it feels like I live most of my life in my head.

8 Name: ROXY : 2013-05-31 02:27 ID:tlSwg/LK [Del]

You think we're alike?

9 Name: Clover eyes ( on my phone ) : 2013-05-31 03:18 ID:EnH0cMb+ [Del]

In a sorta way yes. I mean there are some aspects where we are different. But from what you told me I can say the same about myself. Like how you don't know the real you. I often feel like I have to pretend I'm someone else or someone im not and it reflects on my mood or the people Im with at the time. Its like I don't know which one I am because It feels like Im acting but at the same times it feels like im not then again I don't know who to be or how to act around people but it feels kinda natural. Or how you feel disconnected from everyone. For me I feel like I can't connect with anyone I meat, like I'm different and everyone else is normal. let me put it like this I feel like the wrong puzzle piece trying to complete the another puzzle. like im trying to fit into some where I can't. Its hard to explain. I know it sound like I'm quoting you but the way you explained it is the only way that makes sense.

10 Name: ROXY : 2013-05-31 10:20 ID:tlSwg/LK [Del]

I don't know if I should feel relieved that I'm not the only one feeling this way or sorry that someone else has to bear with these feelings...

11 Name: Solace : 2013-05-31 10:58 ID:GP34kUvz [Del]

Guys trust me, at least a quarter of the first world teenage population is having (varying degrees of) the exact same thoughts you are. You are not alone in feeling you are alone, it is merely dysfunctional brains playing tricks.

As for me, I am a pathological liar, sadist, depressed, chronic insomniac. But I am fine with that due to the fact that although I burn bridges with everybody around me, there are other people like me out in the world. Just work on improving and wait for the day you can actually meet somebody you can relate to (IRL of course).

12 Name: ROXY : 2013-05-31 11:20 ID:tlSwg/LK [Del]

I know that these feelings are common with teenagers... But I'm an adult. I shouldn't still be having these problems.

13 Name: d♣_♣b : 2013-05-31 11:26 ID:EnH0cMb+ [Del]

>>11 Thanks I feel less isolated now. Wow I can't believe Im not alone. . . 7.2billion people on this plant and for the first time I in 12 years I found someone that can actually relate to me in the closet ways possible. My name is Leroy Lopez but people who know me call me Roy. look me up on F.B.

14 Name: d♣_♣b : 2013-05-31 11:35 ID:EnH0cMb+ [Del]

I'm only 17 but I've had this since I was a child. I don't think that this is normal.

15 Name: binka !FtvrRDgvH. : 2013-05-31 17:12 ID:IrolLCQX [Del]

Welcome ROXY! Don't worry you will get to meet heaps of nice people around here on the Dollars! Just make sure to read up on the rules first, otherwise there will be some nasty comments if you post something on the wrong board. But other then that you can try the Chatroom which is on top of the page to connect to some really friendly people if you like! Best way to make a connection with other Dollars members!