Dollars BBS | Intro




















Hello Dollars! Newbie Here (28)

1 Name: SakuraHoshiko : 2012-12-04 10:46 ID:4ucr7MzR [Del]

I'm new and just heard about this sight from my sister. Loved the DRRR! series and can't wait to explore the sight.

2 Name: mockingbird : 2012-12-04 11:00 ID:8x/KVfNo [Del]

yo, SakuraHoshiko! Welcome to dollar!!

3 Name: mockingbird : 2012-12-04 11:01 ID:8x/KVfNo [Del]

*dollars!!! (pressed enter key too quickly hahaha :( )

4 Name: SakuraHoshiko : 2012-12-04 12:43 ID:ramefuQa [Del]

Thank you! Glad to be apart of Dollars.

5 Name: Soul Siaka : 2012-12-04 13:19 ID:m6TQZ33z [Del]

Cool Isnt It?

6 Name: SakuraHoshiko : 2012-12-04 16:47 ID:Q1E+D68u [Del]

Very, amazingly cool! And to think this all started from a novel. I checked out the other threads. ^u^ So excited to see more.

7 Name: NagiNenma : 2012-12-05 01:46 ID:h4XLwdv0 [Del]

Hei all .. I am newbie in here ... This is kinda cool ...feels like Durara is real !

8 Name: Zai : 2012-12-05 02:47 ID:mZSoi3Du [Del]

Nagi, you do know you are just replying on someone elses introduction and not creating your own, yeah?

9 Name: SakuraHoshiko : 2012-12-05 10:50 ID:ramefuQa [Del]

That's alright. Now this is a thread for all Newbies! XD Hello NagiNenma and Zai.

10 Name: Zai : 2012-12-05 11:00 ID:g8+3Pwmx [Del]

Hello lol

11 Name: Zai : 2012-12-05 11:59 ID:2CQuMaL4 [Del]

So how'd you find the site Sakura?

12 Name: Zai : 2012-12-05 15:04 ID:LWozwHRc [Del]

Hahahaha oh nvm xD

13 Name: SakuraHoshiko : 2012-12-05 17:55 ID:Q1E+D68u [Del]

I found this site from my sister and her friends! Who are also DRRR! fans. Don't know how they found it though.
Still, I am happy to be a DOLLAR.

14 Name: Layla : 2012-12-05 20:46 ID:Q1E+D68u [Del]

>>13 Hello there all! BTW I am the sister who introduced SakuraHoshiko to this site. Ironically she's the one who first introduced me to the greatness that is DRRR!
PS Sis' ... proud of you! XP

15 Name: Zai : 2012-12-05 23:47 ID:eCH2uCCY [Del]

Sakura introduced you to DRRR yet had no idea the website existed . . . seems legit.
Howdy :)

16 Name: RubyPetal : 2012-12-06 17:08 ID:Q1E+D68u [Del]

>>15 I found out about Duararara! in fanfiction. Then went on to watching the anime. Now I am a hardcore fan that is currently reading the novel.

>>14 Ugh. Don't go showing big sisterly love online. It's weird. XP Bleh

17 Name: Zai : 2012-12-06 17:15 ID:cXl9G7TX [Del]

I'm in a conversation with three girls, sweet :P
Probably all underage though xD lmao

18 Name: Zai : 2012-12-06 17:22 ID:ArdL8GPf [Del]

Lol Ruby, you do know this isn't a fansite, right? It's the actual Dollars site

19 Name: SakuraHoshiko : 2012-12-07 21:55 ID:pzwAyHTn [Del]

>>17 Sorry, RubyPetal is another name I used and accidentally retyped. I kinda used to post somthing so my sister wouldn't know since I was kinda complaining about her. Though its useless now since I kinda forgot to change the name back. Sorry. At least your in a conversation with two girls.
>>18 Oh and I know its not a fansite but I think it was made by fans. There is a difference. Not sure though.

20 Name: Zai : 2012-12-07 22:38 ID:xUrdouWW [Del]

Oooooh kaaay? Lol

This one was released with the novel. This is the Legitamate site

21 Name: SakuraHoshiko : 2012-12-07 22:52 ID:pzwAyHTn [Del]

Cool that's interesting. I wasn't sure since I saw lots of fan sites. By the way I am not trying to steal your job. Just trying to be friendly and that's a job for everyone.

PS You know I really hope Lalya doesn't check this thread out again. She might read that other post. *sigh*

22 Name: Zai : 2012-12-07 22:59 ID:oaKeW9Wq [Del]

I was just teasing you, Sakura. Lol

P.s. i doubt she will xD how old are you two anyway?
P.p.s. do you know what "p.s." means? Lol

23 Name: SakuraHoshiko : 2012-12-08 11:14 ID:pzwAyHTn [Del]

I know! And I think p.s. post script. Also I am in high school and my sisters in college. Hope I didn't disappoint you. And how old are you?

24 Name: Zai : 2012-12-08 14:22 ID:5QG4Vkd+ [Del]

Lol okay
I'm 20 xD

25 Name: SakuraHoshiko : 2012-12-08 14:26 ID:pzwAyHTn [Del]

Oh we're only 4 years in age difference. I'm 16.

26 Name: Zai : 2012-12-08 14:36 ID:MMRz/W+n [Del]

LOL cool. How's the school year going so far?

27 Name: SakuraHoshiko : 2012-12-08 15:34 ID:pzwAyHTn [Del]

It's going pretty well. I just wish teachers didn't give so much homework. Stupid me for choosing college prep.

28 Name: Zai : 2012-12-08 21:36 ID:TwcvHzdC [Del]

I had college math and literature classes when i was a sophmore, but i dropped out xD