Dollars BBS | Intro




















From a broken past, to a better future. (6)

1 Name: Raimund : 2012-05-19 18:57 ID:Gi4JlIcZ [Del]

I come from a past that has given me a new look on life. Having been the kind of person that would normally have shown disdain for this kind of thing, I've come to realize that I've turned my back on a dream that I've had since I was young. I want to be happy, and I want to make the world better. My past need not be remembered, but one lesson that I've taken from it is to not repeat it. I want to make this world a better place, so that people like me don't have to feel the same way I did. I want to create a better future so that nobody else has to suffer. A friend showed this place to me, and after having lived in a sort of darkness, I finally want to be a part of making the world better.

I have read the FAQ, I've read the About. I'm ready to make a difference.

2 Name: Tanashi !JzQoO8EnWY : 2012-05-19 19:01 ID:wUrFTGy9 [Del]

Hey yo, welcome!

Enjoy your stay. =)

3 Name: Breadu : 2012-05-20 11:25 ID:nKQ9zV/a [Del]

Thanks for reading the FAQ and About. It's greatly appreciated.

I'm sorry about your past, but this might not be the site you're looking for. If I had to be completely honest, this site doesn't do much to better the world. Sure, we have a bunch of successful missions that help communities out, but they're not exactly revolutionary. Knowing this, would you still stay?

Even though this isn't a group of superheroes, we're pretty nifty. If you stay around long enough, the members here may change your view on life. That said, Welcome to the Dollars and enjoy your stay here.

4 Name: Raimund : 2012-05-20 21:00 ID:Gi4JlIcZ [Del]

Superheroes or not, all it takes is a desire to change the world to make it happen, right? Helping a community is a step in the right direction. It shows that there are people out there who still care. Even if it's one person, it's still a change.

5 Name: Tanashi !JzQoO8EnWY : 2012-05-21 07:05 ID:wUrFTGy9 [Del]

>>3 The fact of the matter is, it's doing more than just about anyone else out there just by having that 'missions' board, That alone is plenty enough for him having come here as a start and it doesn't come on too hard, it's just there, and i like that.

And I like you too Raimund, really, enjoy your stay.

6 Name: Katiesmith : 2012-05-21 12:20 ID:IhSSA53W [Del]

I'm sorry abput your past as well. I had been in foster care since I was 3. Why? Well, they don't take kids out of safe, normal houses. But things got better when I tunred 10. I met a lady named Ms. Angela and she adopted us. Since then, things have been great. Just keep looking forward!!