Dollars BBS | Intro




















Newbie here. (3)

1 Name: Blinkeh : 2012-05-12 18:48 ID:sBODrU0B [Del]

Hiya' guys. Just found this site today and thought it seemed interesting so I joined. I've been apart of other 'Dollars' sites before and those were mostly just fan sites...not that I have a problem with that. I just really wanted to find a site that actually incorporated doing good into the world as it's main focus. This seems like the place, so i'm excited to get involved with others who are likeminded in this way too.

Hope we all get along! :]

2 Name: Breadu : 2012-05-12 19:08 ID:y+QEJy6J [Del]

Well hello there, Blinkeh

Unlike some of the other sites, we don't like to consider ourselves a fansite. And by other groups, you might mean Dollars Group, or something like that. Uh, (keeping that a secret might be for the best, just a word of advice).

Contrary to popular belief, our main focus ISN'T doing good in the world, and nobody's obliged to do any of the missions, but you can if you'd like. To be honest, this is just a community of people with similar interests that like to talk to each other. It's not exactly the "strive to make the world a better place!" type of group, so sorry if your expectations aren't met. However, the site is still a fun place with nice people so you might still enjoy yourself, even if this wasn't what you were expecting. Give it a try, I'm sure you'll have fun.

That said, Welcome to the Dollars.

And questions can be posted on the FAQ, unless it's already there. Blahblah common sense stuff, please don't misplace threads, etc.

3 Name: Blinkeh : 2012-05-12 19:15 ID:sBODrU0B [Del]

I honestly can't even remember the name of the site since it was so long ago haha ^^', but thanks I'll keep that in mind.

Oh, yes, I know that xD. I don't really mind that that's not the main focus for everyone. I also really want to meet people just to talk about stuff since I'm something of an internet hermit ^^; . I don't have many expectations and don't plan to make any in the future; I just though the site seemed cool haha.

Anywho, thanks a lot for the welcome! And yes, I've read the FAQ; I'm excited to be here! : D