Dollars BBS | Intro




















uhm I'm new.. (24)

1 Name: frozenfire : 2012-01-10 19:42 ID:kGCfD8qq [Del]

Hi :) I'm new best friend brought me here...

2 Name: Lumen Serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2012-01-10 20:03 ID:R8GZqiLS [Del]

WELCOME TO THE DOLLARS, :3 Please read the Descriptions and FAQ, found in the Main board! Hope you have a wonderful time here~ :D

3 Name: mira !aLYAkUU9Sc : 2012-01-10 20:17 ID:gG59niyM [Del]

Welcome! Read >>2 <- That!

4 Name: Kishin : 2012-01-10 21:03 ID:Nlrl7SvK [Del]


5 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2012-01-10 21:08 ID:AdDutG81 [Del]

Welcome :D ^-^

6 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2012-01-10 21:08 ID:SncQkVHv [Del]

Welcome to the dollars, you MORON.

hehe, Oxy-Moron, that is! :D
HAH, I'm more clever than Clever himself.

7 Name: Kannerz : 2012-01-10 21:09 ID:ZGo88njV (Image: 234x160 gif, 0 kb) [Del]

src/1326251350568.gif: 234x160, 0 kb
>>2 Please don't do that |:

8 Name: Equinox : 2012-01-10 21:15 ID:N/t+DKS9 [Del]

Welcome to the dollars....plz read the FAQ like >>2 seid..thank u and enjoy

9 Name: Lumen Serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2012-01-10 21:30 ID:R8GZqiLS [Del]

>>7 ???

10 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2012-01-10 21:51 ID:SncQkVHv [Del]

Impersonating her responses, or mocking her.

Look at her other greetings to new members xD

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: Lumen Serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2012-01-11 12:20 ID:M7cSBOgm [Del]

>>10 impersonating?, mocking? Who?

13 Name: Kannerz : 2012-01-11 21:05 ID:ZGo88njV [Del]

>>12 Please do not copy and paste my greetings to new members to pass it as your own.. /: Not cool, bro.

14 Name: Lumen Serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2012-01-12 13:13 ID:cu/CGuaJ [Del]

Whatever, I figured it was more important that newbies figure out the faqs, than it was for them to know who originally posted a certain way of telling them....
I just don't see how that has any importance in any way,

But whatever won't happen again...

15 Post deleted by user.

16 Name: Kannerz : 2012-01-12 20:31 ID:ZGo88njV [Del]

It's not a matter of importance but property. The way I greet people is my own intellectual property and it's disconcerting to see other people say exactly what I said. It is insulting, even, since we're on the internet and you just take it upon yourself to copy/paste someone else's words, disrespectfully using them as your own.

I've noticed you stopped doing that, and I'm terribly glad you found your own way to greet newbs. Please don't fucking steal other people's words, thank you. >:|

17 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2012-01-12 20:43 ID:SncQkVHv [Del]

Oh my Oh my Oh my

>>16 You have gained my ultimate respect!

Heh, Wow, you and Kaori can get serious when needed. Ribbons and cookies for both of you!

18 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-01-12 21:16 ID:zRPRpQ9k [Del]

>>16 You know, they say mimicry is the ultimate compliment. It means that they think your version is better than what they would come up with (in theory). Nice logic win, by the way.

19 Name: Lumen Serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2012-01-12 22:05 ID:DDtWX7zt [Del]

If you noticed I stopped why are you still talking about it...

20 Name: Kannerz : 2012-01-12 23:03 ID:ZGo88njV [Del]

>>19 Oh wow, how childish can we get. If you've already stopped copying me, then why come back to this thread and continue arguing with me, huh? Don't have better comebacks because someone actually outsmarted you? V: herp.

>>18 I'm not flattered. Mimicry is more following the way I greet newbs, nicely and directing them to the desc+FAQ, which everyone does nowadays. What Lumen did is blatant plagiarism, which is unacceptable. P:

>>17 Thanks, Bready ;D Everyone deserves ribbons and cookies~ /o/

21 Post deleted by user.

22 Name: Lumen Serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2012-01-12 23:26 ID:DDtWX7zt [Del]

>>20 I come back because even though I stopped you still won't seem to let it go....

You just need to sit down, calm down and take a chill pill. Also I seeno needto swear,(>>16) Umbra was just trying to make it [better?]

There is no need to be a jerk to everyone who does something you don't like. You act as though I stole the novel you were working on and sold it to millions of people world wide. I used 22wordsand 2 smiley facesin theorder thatyou did.

I'm a lazy person, deal with it.

Being outsmarted has nothing to do with it I am outsmarted all the time just ask Umbra, he outsmarts me a ton. Sure its sad at first, but I don't let it get to me. And I don't really mind because when it happens I learn things, about that person.

23 Name: james : 2012-01-13 14:14 ID:/TFEONp/ [Del]

hi im james i am part of the dollars in washington so i thought id say sup

24 Name: Lumen Serpens !/vLWmfl/gg : 2012-01-13 16:02 ID:O2hBDuNw [Del]

Hi James