Dollars BBS | Intro




















Noob here (8)

1 Name: Andyfire : 2011-12-10 00:27 ID:FeSiunb/ [Del]

Hi. I just discovered this site not too long ago. I'm just really excited to even be a part of this. First, I must excuse any awkwardness I may have. That will pass in time, and hopefully my use of all this big vocab...yikes.
I hope we can all get along. Thanks for having me.

2 Name: JOKER : 2011-12-10 01:13 ID:r7WeSces [Del]

Yay! I'm not alone! I just recently stumbled across this small piece of heaven and have been overwhelmed by the sheer awesomeness of it. Don't worry about the awkwardness, we can be noobs todether! /coughs/ Er...I'm scaring you aren't I? Aha, sorry. Well I wish to also begin to know you all, see ya soon!

3 Name: S.I.C.214 : 2011-12-10 01:45 ID:SxCh7Anp [Del]

I'm a nooby too!! But....I'm shy, so the only reason I replied here is because I feel relieved that I'm not the only yea, I guesse that makes three of us.

4 Name: Nate : 2011-12-10 04:14 ID://xSJzNN [Del]

Hey guys! On behalf of everyone in the Dollars, Welcome! :) I've only been in the group for about 4 months now (compared to most people in here, I'm still a noob as well lol) but feel free to get involved with threads and chats and come up with ideas yourself (its all welcomed here!)
>>1 Glad you're excited, have fun on the site! You don't have to excuse awkwardness, its a natural thing lol. BOOOOBS!...... see what i mean? :)
>>2 You're definitely not alone! See ya around the site and hopefully we can be friends too! :)
>>3 I'm pretty shy too (hanging around the Dollars site and getting involved in conversations really helped me come out of my shell, so to speak) I'd suggest staying away from conversations where people are getting argumentative with each other to start off. People can be jerks sometimes, I made that mistake and it was kind of a bummer. but if you stay shy, then stay shy. aint nothing wrong with that :)

5 Name: Parsons : 2011-12-10 07:30 ID:7VUZI5dg [Del]

Yall just need to stick with it, everyone will let u know if u mess up n try to help u if u need it, I'm pretty new too, u just have to try to follow the guidelines in the site, there are many threads that explain them, try the FAQ

6 Name: Juumonji's Cocoa!yZs/RnAftw : 2011-12-10 12:24 ID:WnlH04UA [Del]

Hi there, welcome to the Dollars! Please check out the FAQ 2 thread and be sure to have fun. I hope you like it here.

7 Name: Gallet : 2011-12-10 17:15 ID:u6vyTVme [Del]

Hey Guys, I joined today so im a noob to. :) Im kind of happy I found this site and I enjoy the site, making it easy to use and to find things, and I enjoy the people here as well, there nice. Thank you

8 Name: -Ulquiorra- : 2011-12-11 00:22 ID:7dgpnLEI [Del]

Umm, hi, I'm new as well. I've only been here one other time, but that was quite some time ago -_-" I hope I can be welcome here.