Dollars BBS | Intro




















Well, this is a little crazy. (8)

1 Name: Dindril : 2011-11-03 21:33 ID:bF0BXJWp [Del]

I wouldn't have expected to get an invite to this through Escapist Magazine... I mean, it's a gaming site, not an anime site. Regardless, IT'S PWATY TAIM~!!! *Failbreakdancing*

2 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-03 21:41 ID:u/CVVUpx [Del]

Oh hey, we're not restricted to anime anymore, we've gone passed that barrier and into gaming websites. Success! To a degree. Anyways, first of all, we're not an anime fansite, we don't focus only on anime or manga or Japan. If you take a look at the sidebar, we have extensive list of interests, although some boards are less occupied than others for reasons of simply, because our member base is somewhat mostly weeaboo faggots(not in homosexual definition by the by.)

But in any case, have fun here. Do some missions, chill out, discuss about the world and other shit. Also, this forum can't delete threads, move threads, and merge, so it's imperative to know where you post. And there's no edit, so make sure to post correctly or whatever. Read the FAQ on the Main board to have all your questions answered and if you have any more, post them there.

And instead of a search bar, we have a View All Threads button, which literally views all threads. And I assume you know how to use the ctrl f function, so use that. And that's about it.

3 Name: InvisibleOne : 2011-11-03 22:01 ID:ymqNCaVZ [Del]

Hey welcome to the Dollars! I'm kinda new here to but you'll love it here it's great. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Oh, and you can invite people? How do you do that.

4 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-11-03 22:21 ID:teqLVY+m [Del]

>>2 i saw 'shit'. stop using unnecessary poopy werds doughboy >:Y with much 'wub' >2 said (except for the bad werds) and apparently he didn't tell you about Tripcodes. You can read about them in the Help section at the top ^ But remember, tripcodes are completely OPTIONAL. So have fun, and hope to see you around o/

>>3 Yes, you can invite people. Just email them or text them or just plain out talk to them about Dollars. Be all snazzy and stuff lykeeehhhhh 'HEY GAIZ LUUK AT MUH NOO GANGSTUZ IMA PART UUFFFFF' /o/ well naw, but you CAN just tell them about it. we're an open community to everyone (but really hate the trolls tbh)

5 Name: InvisibleOne : 2011-11-03 22:36 ID:ymqNCaVZ [Del]

>>4 ok I know how to do that, I just thought there was a way you could shoot them an invite somehow from the website, like a legit invitation. Now that'd be awesome :D oh and who doesn't hate trolls lol

6 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-11-03 22:40 ID:teqLVY+m [Del]

>>5 lawlkhatzzz.. :I ...

Yeah, totally. that WOULD be a kewl thing to do, maybe you should suggest it in the suggestions board *hinthint* anyways, no worries if you get shot down, you can just blame it on me because i'll support you all the way /o/ YAY INVITES.

Also, sorry Dindril for having a mini conversation on your totally radical greeting.

7 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-03 22:40 ID:u/CVVUpx [Del]

>>4 Do I really need to tell them about tripcodes? I mean damn, they could click on the Help button by themselves if they wanted to or something. It's like right there, geez Kaori. He's not damn retarded(I don't think). Anyways, enough of this little pointless fighting.

8 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-11-04 00:51 ID:teqLVY+m [Del]

x3 you never know who you're talking to on the internet. tsktsk =w=b but okay then, watuver u say