Dollars BBS | Intro




















The intro of Calmisia: White roses and a bunny girl with a gun (5)

1 Name: Calmisia : 2011-10-29 14:12 ID:6zIXn17W (Image: 120x150 png, 27 kb) [Del]

src/1319915568627.png: 120x150, 27 kb
This is long and so here is a table of contents:

1. The Intro Beginning
2. Me and Japanese
3. DURR (Durarara favs)
4. Image file
5. The names of well...Calmisia!
6. It's the end...Yay!

1. The Intro Beginning

Yes! I am glad to be here today folks. Yes. It's nice to see a lot of people in this thriving community of peoples. And I made sure in order to differante (Sorry I can't spell the word) myself from others I chose a name coming from a not too well known flower called Celmisia, which just happens to be a name of a Kanon Wakeshima (love Kanon Wakeshima!)song. And once I took that name I then added an "a" to it replacing the "e". Sorry if you don't understand me sometimes. That tends to happen a lot. That and annoying people and talking a lot.
I'm a huge fanatic of guns. I tend to like semi-automatic pistols and machine guns and I'm also not an expert on them either. ^-^ I dislike revolvers but I do like the sound of when the, well I don't really remember what it's called but I think it's chamber? The place where you put the bullets inside. Well I like the sound it makes when you spin it. I hope that I'll be active here and have a nice time here all while helping with things.

2. Me and Japanese

That title is not correct, but I don't want to change it.

わたしのにほんごわるいです。 ごめなさい。 けんきゅう! けんきゅう! I'm in 1, so at the end of the year even though it'll be better than now it still won't be good good but I'll try my best to learn new words outside of the classroom. ^-^

日本語と日と上とつき。Are the only Kanji I know and understand along with 1, 2, 3 and Kin which did not turn into the right Kanji when I typed it in.

3.DURRR (Durarara Favs)

I love Shizuo and Izaya! Not the couple just the individual characters. But I think I may like Shizuo a bit more. ^-^ And more than once I did have favorite characters that conflicted with each other. Like Gaara and Deidara from Naruto. Ulquiorra and Orihime technically. Envy and Edward Elric. (NOTE: For Bleach and Naruto I have more favorite characters then listed)

4. Image file

I wish I have a image file I could choose that wasn't a tektek version of me as a Cyborg Bunny Vampire Meido. I'm the head of all Cyborg Bunny Vampire Meido's and I am sort of like Glados. I do have control over all of them and I do not have an actual master I get to choose my master. ^-^ Though I do work for the person that makes a ton of Cyborg Bunny Vampire Meido or CBVM for short.

5. The names of...well.. Calmisia!

Oh and my usual names on other sites are:
Mostly common names: Yuki, Yukihime
Only one part is common: yukikazehayshi, Yuki Kaze Hayashi
Meh: TaYuKo, Tayuko, TaYuK0
Not so common: Koriin, Calmisia

6. It's the end! ....Yay!

Wowy Wow Wow! This is long nyu. I think I'm standing out over here with the Hiragana and long introduction post. Well, thanks so much for reading this that is if you read all of that and didn't scan it. Which leads to one more thing: I've learned over the years that people tend to be confused with what I say or take what I say the wrong way because they didn't read it but scanned it. Oh and there are times I have trouble putting things into words.
That is all. It'll be very nice to talk and work with you all!

2 Name: Kaori !!1M/QA3Sq : 2011-10-29 14:43 ID:teqLVY+m [Del]

wow, you sure are special O-O you gawts lot's of stuff about you. No worries though, it's nothing flashy or anything, we Dollars want to meet you in a day by day process, no need to make it all epic 8D. well, wutever pleases you i spose, but in my eyes, you're just a big bundle of happiness. It's nice to see you and welcome to Dollars

Remember to read the 'Description and FAQ' thread on Main, and also the Tripcodes section under Help at the top (put anything you want for your password). o/ seeya around

3 Name: Calmisia : 2011-10-29 14:46 ID:6zIXn17W [Del]

@ Kaori
Thanks. ^-^ I don't really understand the Tripcodes thing though. The description itself confuses me. Yes. I need someone to explain it in a different way.

Make it epic? Also I know the Dollars isn't flashy if it was...then there would be lots of lights here. And neon signs and stuff.

Nice to meet you too.

4 Name: Bishop : 2011-10-29 18:57 ID:2tNbyCs7 [Del]

Hey Calmisia welcome to the dollars. That intro was epic by the way.

5 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-10-29 19:18 ID:u/CVVUpx [Del]

You don't need a tripcode, as your name isn't common, but if you do want a tripcode, all you need to do is put an exclamation mark after your name and then a password of your choosing as if this was a forum with a log in.

So basically this, using your name: Calmisia!gunz

And also, that's pretty cool, you liking guns. You should make a thread about that either in Random or Technology. Whatever works, I dunno. Anyways have fun and make sure to read around before posting and making a thread.