Dollars BBS | Intro




















i WOULD like to join ^~^ (5)

1 Name: archadmiral : 2011-09-28 13:32 ID:HbkN+OzU [Del]

Hey umm.. i would like to join dollars even though i am in Philippines... but yeah i was wondering is there accounts or, how do we communicate. I feel like it would give me a bigger sense of belonging :) sorry if you guys get alot of threads like this..
so was just thinking, how do we use log ins or can anyone just post as the nickname they choose, cuz i would like to keep mine as my own

2 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-28 13:39 ID:bcm19Lt5 [Del]

Hello archadmiral! Just by posting on this site, you have already become a member. In fact, we have lots of member who either live in the Philippines or are Filipino! There's actually a thread on the Countries sub-board for the Filipino members (btw, I'm from the Philippines too, although I don't live there anymore).

There is no login and no accounts, but if you want to keep your name unique, you can go to the help section and use a tripcode. You can test your tripcode in the Test sub-board under Random (to see the sub-boards, you have to click on the main board it's under).

There's a chat where you can meet people and make friends, although you could do that too on the different boards and threads. If you read the Description + FAQ thread on the Main Board, it'll help you understand the organization of the site and avoid preventable mistakes. I hope you enjoy your time here, archadmiral! And welcome to the Dollars!! :D

3 Name: Tai : 2011-09-28 13:43 ID:yOfX6HNB [Del]

Hey there. You can use any name you want for this site... To my knowledge. I'm still kinda new here so I cant tell you for certain. When I communicate with other Dollars I normaly use the chat. :) Also anyone can join you say your in the Dollars... Well your in! Not much to it no leader or nothing. There is a page on here... I do believe its the Faq page or something. Sorry im on my phone so I can't check right now

4 Name: archadmiral : 2011-09-28 13:54 ID:HbkN+OzU [Del]

tripcodes... awww i am not so well versed in HTML if i could get a step bystep about it i would love to, oh by the way i am actually from Georgia just schoolin in Philippines ^~^

5 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-28 14:00 ID:bcm19Lt5 [Del]

>>4 When you go to the Help section at the top, it explains how to use a tripcode, which has nothing to do with html, by the way. Basically, all you have to do is put an exclamation point after your name and then a password. For example, my name is 70K1D0K1, so in the Name I put "70K1D0K1!password" [but that's not my actual password and neither should anyone's be since that's stupid] and it shows up as "70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM" as my Name. The random bunch of letter and numbers after the exclamation point will be different for every password.