Dollars BBS | Intro




















I'm a dollar? (10)

1 Name: Rinya !ShM4YMpsZo : 2011-09-18 22:27 ID:mFU1sTyd (Image: 500x500 jpg, 48 kb) [Del]

src/1316402845080.jpg: 500x500, 48 kb
Or as we call them in Canada, a loonie.

W'sup. I'm new, obviously. Aimlessly browsed the site for the past day or so, surprised I haven't run into it 'til now. The chat sure is preeeeeettttty.

Anyway, just figured I'd say hello.
Pic is fav char. (How typical!)

2 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-18 23:17 ID:+6oYscoM [Del]

Hey there Rinya! Welcome to the Dollars!! Please remember that this is not a fansite. There's also a Description + FAQ thread on the Main Board which I recommend you read if you haven't already. You can also check out the Countries sub-board if you wanna fine other Dollars members in Canada (you may have to use the "View All Threads" button). I hope you continue to enjoy the chat! And have a nice time here ^_^

3 Name: Rinya !ShM4YMpsZo : 2011-09-19 07:46 ID:mFU1sTyd [Del]

Not a fansite.
Somehow I can't believe that to be 100% true. But okay!

Already been all over 'dem boards and sections of the site. Thankya for the info and welcome.

4 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-19 14:08 ID:8pcEBd6n [Del]

>>3 You're welcome :)

Well, we really aren't a fansite. We put in lots of effort to make sure we're more then that. Although there's a large amount of us who found this site because of the anime, there are those who haven't even seen Durarara!!.

5 Name: Rinya !ShM4YMpsZo : 2011-09-20 00:27 ID:mFU1sTyd [Del]

Whether or not this is a fansite is pretty arguable. I mean, attracting DRRR! fans is to be expected and is inevitable with a name like Dollars. The site itself was made solely because somebody was a fan of the show and/or the concept of dollars.

Regardless, I totally get what you're saying. I just find it slightly rude that everybody has to be scolded about it not being a fansite right when they join. o_o Anyone with half a brain can see that this is a real BBS and chat.

Just my opinion.

6 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-20 00:33 ID:7lJjewg8 [Del]

Sadly, a lot of people don't have half a brain on here, so we've been forced to resort to the scolding, as you can see or later on.

7 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-20 00:36 ID:7lJjewg8 [Del]

I should've also said in my earlier post that this might be handy for wannabe trolls and assholes to push our buttons. So maybe scolding people isn't the way to go, if they're unlike most of our members and actually read around.

8 Name: Rinya !ShM4YMpsZo : 2011-09-20 00:41 ID:mFU1sTyd [Del]

I think there are other methods. For example, an FAQ and/or rules page that you don't have to HUNT for. It should have its own section at the top of the site, along with Home, About, Chatroom etc.

Regardless of this, I suppose you're right. Some people don't even have half a brain and won't bother clicking nor reading it.

So there's always the option of having more mods to clean shit up.

Aaaand there's also the idea of having people read a mandatory disclaimer before they start posting, but I don't think that'll settle well with the free spirited people of Dollars XD

9 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-09-20 00:49 ID:7lJjewg8 [Del]

Oh, we've had this discussion about FAQ having it's own page before. I'll summarize, or try to. FAQ having it's own page wouldn't be beneficial because sometimes, we'll have to make updates to it. And when we do, we need to ask Reltair to update it for us, since he's the only one who can change the pages and etc. By leaving it as a thread, it's much easier for the users to update it.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why can't we just bother Reltair anyways?" Well, 1) And this is given his track record on updating things, it'd take a bit too long. Maybe a week tops. No offense, Reltair if you're reading this. 2) I personally don't want to bother Reltair for every thing we have problems with if it can be handled by the users, so. Yeah.

And, Reltair is currently working on his project right now, to make a mod system so that they can delete and permasage shit. Since Reltair is the only one with that power. All the other users just have the power to ask people, either nicely and forcefully, to stop bumping their thread up and shit. And also bump up relevant threads. Think of it as, self modding without the actual power.

And yeah, that disclaimer thing. I dunno, I might get annoyed every time I log in just to see a disclaimer. I'll probably be like "Oh for fucks sake, I know this already. I'm not a goddamn retard, yo." But that's just me. And I'll probably end up in a worse mood than I am usually, when I see this disclaimer, so be wary if it ever gets implemented... Derp.

10 Name: Rinya !ShM4YMpsZo : 2011-09-20 00:55 ID:mFU1sTyd [Del]

That's actually not what I'm thinking.

I'm thinking, he could give permissions to the site to people he trusts, but it's understandable if he doesn't want to. If he's working something out, like a mod system, then I suppose we can expect some good changes (and a proper FAQ page) soon. I'm happy with that.

I neglected to mention, the disclaimer would be just for first-timers... And it'd never be seen again.

But whatever, it's not really necessary if there's a FAQ and/or rules section. People should be reading that anyway, and it's their fault that their posts get deleted if they don't.