Dollars BBS | Intro




















Hello Dollars (4)

1 Name: Teddibones : 2011-08-22 18:30 ID:VMU6royU [Del]

I just joined the site today :3 i'm on episode 12 of Durarara and thought that someone should really make a group like the dollars ^^ i immediately looked up the site and remmebered the password from one of the episodes! im happy to be here and to get to know you all as family ^^;; i love anime drawing and reading manga!

2 Name: Kaori !.LunmCeUzs : 2011-08-22 20:22 ID:DvpMbjvs [Del]

Heyo thar Teddi /o/ ure name is so cute, for no reason. idk if that was sposed to be, but oh well :D

so here we are again, Welcome to Dollars, you've prolly been around for a few minutes or days or wutever, so you should knuz the regularities of the boards. But i'll just list dem anyways.
Make sure to post appropriate things in the correct boards, and always check 'View All Threads' before you make a thread. Sometimes there are people who have the same interests as you, the threads arent necessarily old, they just got bumped down and missed for a while.

AS ALWAYS, you should check out 'BBS FAQ' and/or 'board descriptions' on Main, though there are mini descriptions of each board above the top 5 list up there ^ :D they're really naice and short.

Also, check out the Help link up there, just in case someone uses your name on accident or purpose, you should try out some tripcodes. I wish I knew wut i wus forgetting, but i'm sure sumun else har will hook you up with wutever i forgot. sorry ^^""""""" but it's naice to meet you, i hopes to see you around deh boards and chat. has a fun time on this place, remember this is NOT a FANSITE. :D

3 Name: Teddibones : 2011-08-22 20:52 ID:VMU6royU [Del]

Haha ^^ well thank you very much

4 Name: *insertnamehere*!k9qxQrkkz6 : 2011-08-22 21:07 ID:CweK/gMm [Del]

Some people seem to have trouble putting in their tripcodes, so I'll clarify on what Kaori says. It's just like making up your password on a regular forum. So, you could put in !derpity and then it'll come up some type of random letters or whatever.

We also have a test board under Random to test out which tripcode you'd like best.

And also, welcome to Dollars and enjoy your stay.

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