Dollars BBS | Intro




















What's up? (7)

1 Name: Ridley : 2011-07-28 12:39 ID:d6BbU1H9 [Del]

Hello everyone. Just finished watching Durarara, and loved it. One of the comments someone posted on the site I watched it from linked me here, and I was shocked that this site actually existed in real life.

At first though I thought it was going to be nothing more than a fan site. BUT NO! You guys went all out! It looks the same, the chat is identecle to the anime, and even your policies are true to the group in the anime! I am impressed.

I hope I get to be a part of something in real life like when Mikado was using the Dollars to coordinate a rescue of Anri. That would be amazing.

2 Name: kexvaxus : 2011-07-28 12:57 ID:mNOeDtE/ [Del]

I agree with you

3 Name: Sim : 2011-07-28 15:45 ID:smzjiMPk [Del]

lol did you get it from dubhappy?

4 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-07-28 16:52 ID:GpIjqFg7 [Del]

Hello Ridley! Nope, we're definitely not a fansite. We do coordinate some cool missions, though, so check out the different boards to get invovled! welcome to the Dollars!! :D

5 Name: Ridley : 2011-07-28 17:05 ID:d6BbU1H9 [Del]

Oops, I didn't realize that the member counter and member ID number were tied to IP address. I used one computer to start my identity here, but used a different one later. Should you notice an anomaly in the ID number, I will try to repost in my original introduction thread everytime I accidently use a different computer and IP address, so you know which Ridleys are me.

6 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-07-28 17:25 ID:GpIjqFg7 [Del]

If you go to the Main board, to the right is a button saying "By Country." If you go to the Rollcall and post a message, you'll be added to the members count there. The member count on dollars-bbs is increasing so fast, but don't mind that.

If you want to guarantee that you're the same Ridley, go to the Help section above and use the tripcodes. The ID will still be based off the IP address of your computer, but the bunch of numbers and letters after your name will be unique to the password you put after your name.

7 Name: Ridley !MPZmBcF942 : 2011-07-28 20:55 ID:7UL9WbXj [Del]

Thank you. I will use that from now on.