Dollars BBS | Intro




















Uh, Hello There.. (16)

1 Name: Amino : 2011-07-20 09:44 ID:Vff7p8Ow [Del]

Uh.. H-Hello!

Like others, I'm new. I've finished Durarara about 3 times, but I never really would have thought there was an actual DOLLARS website to go along with it.

So, I'm not really all that sure on what to do here... I-I mean, What DO you do here..?

Ooooh~! I need some help...

2 Name: *insertnamehere* : 2011-07-20 09:48 ID:5/F8r7cc [Del]

Welcome. We do missions, have fun, missions, and have fun. But mostly have fun. Because all work and no play makes me a sad person.

Anyways, really though, enjoy your stay, make sure to read the FAQ and board descriptions thread on Main if you haven't, and don't duplicate threads. Because we have that problem too many times. I assume because people have no experience on a BBS... Bur whatever. Use the View All Threads button and shit like that.

3 Name: *insertnamehere* : 2011-07-20 09:51 ID:5/F8r7cc [Del]

And I just looked at your name. Amino Acid?

Anyways, have a nice day/whatever the time is at your location.

4 Name: Kanra : 2011-07-20 09:52 ID:XN3OwEVT [Del]

Heyooo~! (‐^▽^‐)/~

Haha, same here. I only found this site a couple of days ago on accident! I was so surprised ouo

Well-- Im pretty new here myself; but theres a chatroom with awesome people to talk to, there are various boards with various subjects to read threads on, or write some yourself..
And I read something about doing missions, but Im not entirely sure about that myself. -w-;

Anyway--! Welcome! <3

5 Name: Amino : 2011-07-20 10:00 ID:Vff7p8Ow [Del]

Haha, No... Just Amino... :3 But Thanks For The Tips...

:D And Thank You-- Kanra..? :O

6 Name: Jenny : 2011-07-20 10:55 ID:XKY/NH6K [Del]


7 Name: Amino : 2011-07-20 10:57 ID:Vff7p8Ow [Del]

>>6 Hey~!!

8 Name: Nakama : 2011-07-20 21:58 ID:kpjEeWhe [Del]

Amino, I saw you on the other site. ( I saw that you're from Oregon. So glad to see another of my kind!

9 Name: Amino : 2011-07-20 22:13 ID:Vff7p8Ow [Del]

Finally. Someone From Around Oregon. x3

10 Name: Nakama : 2011-07-20 23:01 ID:kpjEeWhe [Del]

What part of oregon? To protect yourself, you don't have to be town specific.

11 Name: Amino : 2011-07-21 01:15 ID:Vff7p8Ow [Del]

Woodburn.. xD

12 Name: Nakama : 2011-07-21 12:26 ID:kpjEeWhe [Del]

Tualatin. Lol, we're about an hour's drive apart.

13 Name: Amino : 2011-07-21 13:09 ID:Vff7p8Ow [Del]

Oooo~ Le Gasp~
xD Eh, I'd have no way to get to your town if we ever tried meeting up for this dollars thing.. =w=

14 Name: Nakama : 2011-07-21 13:31 ID:kpjEeWhe [Del]

Aww, sadface. At least I know that there's a dollar not too far from me! :)

15 Name: Amino : 2011-07-21 21:55 ID:Vff7p8Ow [Del]

Haha, Yup~

16 Name: Ben Beckman : 2011-07-22 09:50 ID:mXnDrXc3 [Del]

hi guys iam also new here, accidentally i found this site when im looking for durararas fansite on facebook.

i never imagine this dollar can be true, anyway nice to meet you all guys lets make a good communities here :D