Dollars BBS | Intro




















hello everybody (8)

1 Name: Andre : 2011-05-06 16:02 ID:P4bZXyuX [Del]

My otaku friend brought me here, gave me the password and kept pestering my to post an introduction. So hi.

(btw that friend is Taro)

2 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-06 16:57 ID:XsyOZ5Dr [Del]

Well I'm sorry to hear he's an otaku, tell him good luck with that.
In any case, welcome to the dollars, Andre.

3 Name: Andre : 2011-05-06 18:25 ID:P4bZXyuX [Del]

thanks Misuto. Really, he doesn't annoy me _that_ much... except when he calls me "Nazi Boy" for having German ancestry. Constantly.

4 Name: shibata : 2011-05-06 22:10 ID:dBRqSj58 [Del]

welcome to dollars Andre!!

5 Name: Taro : 2011-05-09 15:33 ID:E7b1UqMz [Del]

glad you finally joined, man! also, I only called you that like five times, after you said it was ok to call you that. If it bothers you, I can stop.
>>2what's your beef with otakus, man? would you have a problem if i called myself an anime enthusiast? I mainly call my self an otaku cuz it's quicker than calling myself somone who likes anime, manga and video games

6 Name: *insertnamehere* : 2011-05-09 17:45 ID:FWq3BFE7 [Del]

>>5 Otaku is a vague term. Most people nowadays think otaku's as just anime, manga, and video games. There are other otaku's such as computer otakus. And cosplay otakus. Also another thing, you could not be a weeaboo about it and refer yourself as a such and such geek, since otaku is practically the japanese form of geek.

7 Name: Andre : 2011-05-10 15:45 ID:P4bZXyuX [Del]

>>5 It's not that it's so offensive, it's that it gets really repetitive. Can't you come up with anything better? :P
>>6 I think it's just a culture clash more than anything else, in our area, otaku is well defined as someone with what most people would call Japanese-centric interests. Same problem as calling someone a "dog" in an Arab country (I think).

8 Name: Misuto : 2011-05-11 01:05 ID:XsyOZ5Dr [Del]

I'm too lazy to explain the misconception behind the term. I instead refer you to wikipedia. Read thoroughly.

If you understand it, then no, I've no problem with you calling yourself an anime enthusiast. In fact, I don't have a problem with you calling yourself someone obsessed with it either, as was what I inferred in the first place. Each to his own; I just recognized it as a problem, unless it was misstated.