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BBSIdle (7)

1 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2022-02-25 22:45 ID:o8+PMHG7 (Image: 879x332 png, 24 kb) [Del]

src/1645850708646.png: 879x332, 24 kb
BBSIdle is an idle game created by me. Over time, the BBS gains (fake) members, which you can use to get upgrades to get more members faster.

The more you interact with the BBS (up to a point to avoid spamming,) the more quickly you gain members. It's explained more in-game.

This link leads to the source code. To play the game, download Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey for your browser and install the code as a new userscript. This will make a member count appear above the view all threads button. You can hover it for more information.

2 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2022-02-26 03:06 ID:o8+PMHG7 [Del]

Fixed a bug where multiplier was being calculated improperly (it was always treating active boards as having 10 active threads) and a bug where people who hadn't posted an intro were not allowed to get members.

3 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2022-02-26 03:27 ID:o8+PMHG7 [Del]

Fixed a graphical error where the lines between numbers in the member count would go below the bottom border of the member count, also made upgrades display as starting from 0 instead of their actual starting values, since you can never go below 5/2/5/4/0, anyway. Removed needless confusion.

4 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2022-02-26 04:30 ID:o8+PMHG7 [Del]

Costs have been increased across the board because it became way too easy too early to get upgrades.

Also, the [Del] of the info section now leads to Main.

5 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2022-03-02 12:39 ID:1dcfmBRI [Del]

Potentially final non-bugfix update:

You can now click the board strips to go to that board.

The prestige mechanic has been created! Once you max out both MET and TGR, you can prestige, skipping you forward 8 years in time to when the BBS has died and a new season of DRRR is released.

Each season unlocks at least 1 permanent, free upgrade, but divides your multiplier by a relatively small amount.

6 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2022-03-04 06:48 ID:1dcfmBRI [Del]

One thing I forgot to mention: The board strips, the thread clocks, the RTT clock, and the multiplier display all now change in semi-realtime. They update once every minute.

The multiplier itself also updates in real-time, the calculation itself having been optimized very slightly and being recalculated before every tick of the member count increasing.

Now, for a new, bugfix update: Fixed a memory leak involving the /idle page. For whatever reason, using setInterval to repeat the board and thread rendering was doubling the memory used by it every minute. Now, it was left over night and my memory usage had not gone up by any noticeable amount.

7 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2022-04-29 22:43 ID:BsDsBc8Q [Del]

Balance update: Thread Guideline Reformation costs more, to line up better with what More Engaging Threads costs