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Visual Novels







Don't normally do this but, I LOVE this game. (4)

1 Name: omverse : 2020-10-18 23:47 ID:rhg2HJWs (Image: 1200x676 jpg, 195 kb) [Del]

src/1603082824144.jpg: 1200x676, 195 kb

A Zelda-like, retro-bit, Puzzle, Adventure, Dating sim!
Minish Cap can kick rocks...
Remove any idea that this is just another zelda-clone accept that graphics are like gbcolor/gba/snes style.

Heart-tugging Dialogue, fast-paced gameplay, abundant replay-ability, item collection, multiple side quests, tons of secrets and a deep, extensive, well hidden lore about a battle between Gods, their Brethren, and Mortals.

You Get to go around, killing baddies, and woo the women in town while you're at it. All the attractable characters have eclectic personalities and extremely polished and affectionately molded animated avatars.

Your equipment is sparse but their use is abundant. plus upgrades for said equipment, multiple food buffs, and a whole menu screen of Items to collect- dont worry about switching through menus and swapping items over and over to play the game. All the versatility is in the puzzles, battles, side quests, riveting storyline, and dont forget all the laaadddieeeeesss.

The puzzle designs are so very well put together. Many of them will catch you off guard, and always leave you're brain tingling with joy upon completion.

Boss battles; a few are.. a tiny bit too easy imo, but they are being retweaked, and creative none-the less. so perhaps the real challenge is yet to come. But just like the Puzzles, some bosses are unforgiving.

I can't even begin to explain the Lore...
Every clue to the full story is intricately placed across this seemingly tiny map. I have to play though several more times to get the full picture. correction; I GET TO

Speaking of the world design. the layout is excellent. Barely had to look at the map at all to get around. Wasn't difficult to get one place or another, and It's not entirely linear either. There are many choices and many consequenses

also the player is androgynous so you can give boy or girl name, dev insists its a boy but heh ----myself and a few others thought it was a female first look

also, Kayla is best.

This game came out 3 days ago btw. I just happened upon it, buying myself a game for my bday, and I couldn't be happier with the purchase. It's a measly 10 bucks, and I will be getting a solid 70 hours out of this game just see all it has to offer... maybe more.

I have been in the discord putting them to work on a few hundred bugs, but its all mostly aesthetics and punctuation that doesn't affect the game play. Its an absolutely solid game.

Either way, they have already patched it twice since it came out. They are working on every thing I throw their way to improve this game and damnit it needs more players. I cant torture them all by myself!

Check it out! Let me know what you all think

2 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-10-21 18:11 ID:z3lGygbo [Del]

Never have I thought I would see the day omverse appeared on Games board lmao.

I unfortunately didn't have any access to buy anything online for my parents barred me from doing anything with my bank account, at least I could put it on wishlist until then.

3 Name: omverse : 2020-10-21 23:43 ID:wq2xWGFF [Del]

oh lol.. I never quite had a game I wanted to post here, I suppose. There are other games I could post about with similar enthusiasm, though. I love finding indie games and helping out the devs with a little extra polishing and for this game I really wanted to get a few more eyes on it if I could.

Not many devs have been so accepting and appreciative of my incessant bug hunting, nor have they ever work tirelessly to keep up with me.. I hate how that sounds but a hobby is a hobby... point being, they really seem to give a heck which is usually why I fall in love with an indie game.

I hope they ease up on you, just for humility's sake.
parents can be real dweebs.

4 Name: laroqsoqs : 2021-08-13 05:56 ID:ETov8lyz [Del]

500 hours