Dollars BBS | Games










Visual Novels







Mystic Messenger (12)

1 Name: azuku : 2020-04-23 03:20 ID:srnHLwfZ [Del]

anyone here play mystic messenger? i started playing recently, i hoped there would be someone else who plays it somewhere in the dollars community lol, i've been wanting someone to talk about it with

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3 Name: Yurika : 2020-04-23 06:56 ID:wDtKRlTz [Del]

Yeah, I'm playing mystic messenger :> but I have one thing to say... I'm from Poland so I'm not so good at writing in English, but I hope that we can understand eachother and talk abut this wonderful game called Mystic Messenger ^^

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Koyo : 2020-04-27 12:56 ID:g2favzLl [Del]

I played Mystic Messenger quite awhile ago- just never got the chance to get back into it because I am very busy with society work nowadays... ; - ; I hope to get back into it again someday..!!

6 Name: saiko : 2020-04-28 21:04 ID:2MD7u6HI [Del]

i played it when it first came out but i haven’t touched it in years :(

7 Name: Akira : 2020-05-06 02:02 ID:DHUAvSUR [Del]

my sister started replay the game and she got yoosung but ended up getting the bad route lol

8 Name: Mystic !tjuk0.un0Q : 2021-08-02 00:39 ID:odSXuhfM [Del]

I'm on and off with playing on it.
These are my stats of Ending Achievements so far.
Jumin Han [4/7]
ZEN [3/7]
707 [3/7]
Yoosung [3/7]
Jaehee Kang [3/7]
V [2/7]
Ray [0/7]

9 Name: Kaster!eVHHrdPaJg : 2023-10-14 07:55 ID:IlVReCyt [Del]

hi there, i've known this game for some years and i've never actually played it personally before, but i've started some days ago.
The whole system with messages and emails reminded me a lot of this site, that's also the reason why i'm back on it heh.
Anyway, i really like Seven, he's really cool, i hope some of you are still into it, so we can talk about it.
++ Many things about it are so complicated, ngl...

10 Name: Ray : 2024-01-06 16:38 ID:tx3UK8cI [Del]

I love that game so muchhhh
I am doing a playthrough to get all the endings

11 Name: Reina : 2024-02-17 20:57 ID:nifwT3BT [Del]

I've been on that game, yes. And used to be all over the fanfiction too. My passion for that app has long died, but I'm thinking of revisiting the fanfics to see what people are willing to expand on.

12 Name: Poe : 2024-02-22 20:33 ID:naDO8fDr [Del]

Hey! I've been playing mystic for awhile and I think it'll be fun talking about it. Do you want my dollars email or something? I'll check this tread for ur answer.