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Visual Novels







DDLC Festival decoration question (1)

1 Name: Fatass : 2020-01-19 09:05 ID:vJXkTZpT (Image: 960x413 jpg, 52 kb) [Del]

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(WARNING: Almost spoilers so read at risk but i need help so- ;-;)So almost everyone have heard of the cute misleading game called Doki Doki Literature Club, right? Well after playing that game myself I feel I've seen it all now, but not all since I want to know more about what I want to question about this horrid abomination but the only conclusion I could get to was Yuri was best girl for me. So yeah anyway back to the topic, I was interested in what activities the game had for me and one was the poem making and the events. What I was curious to know about this whole time is how the club would look like during the festival day (not until 'she' fucked it all up) and I found an art pic that was accurate to what I imagined it would be, and I loved how it turned out but what I was more curious in was Yuri's decorations for the festival atmosphere and stuff. Since I got a clear picture of what the club's festival would look like, I was wondering how... the "Doorway curtain" would look like. They did give a description on how it was made but when I tried to search it all up I didn't get the results I was looking for and the only close thing that was made into reality (no pun intended) from DDLC was Monika's pen. I have a passion for craft so i was really eager to know how Yuri's doorway curtain was made and that is why I wanted to know if anyone has the accurate image or something close to that but if you do pwease tell me :3