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good strategy game (8)

1 Name: Ecoste : 2019-09-20 13:37 ID:YVQ8hqH2 [Del]

looking for any good historical/nonhistorical strategy game. on steam platform preferred.

2 Name: Ryu-Shiranui : 2019-09-21 12:12 ID:UHIRYvSk [Del]

One I could think of is probably: Blitzkrieg Anthology

iirc It's from 2003(?) some new good ones I supposed can be easily searched, so I'll try giving one that's more old school lol, but I do remember having a fun time with that game. Played it with friends during break while doing thesis hehe... try it, if you haven't yet setting is in WWII.

3 Name: Blue : 2019-10-02 07:38 ID:ih5/STaO [Del]

Knights of Honor

4 Name: Steve : 2019-11-03 02:16 ID:/8M50nUg [Del]

Any Nobunaga's Ambition or Romance of the Three Kingdoms game. Idk if there on Steam, since I'm a PS gamer, but if they are there lengthy strategy games I found enjoyable.

5 Name: △○□× : 2019-11-03 03:27 ID:PLQnSO5X [Del]

- Age of Empires II (2013)
- Stronghold Crusader (not sure if this is still on steam but I recommend this for its nostalgia factor -imo)
- Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (haven't started this yet but looking good!)

and yes as Ryu mention 2003 Blitzkrieg

6 Name: Mooshie : 2019-11-17 05:26 ID:ItuKmoZt [Del]

Crusader Kings 2 is pretty fun and can give you hundreds of hours of gameplay. Would definitely recommend. You could also check out some of the Total War games. Personally I'm a big fan of Total War Shogun 2. Also Rise of Nations can be pretty fun if you're fine with playing a game that's a bit older. All of these games can be found on steam.

7 Name: MisterOlive : 2019-11-18 04:48 ID:nRSgChgA [Del]

Any Paradox strategy game would be a good fit, such as CK2 mentioned by Mooshie, or Europa Universalis 4, Hearts of Iron IV and so on.
Keep in mind that many dislike their DLC policy, and some games are basically incomplete without certain DLCs.

Total war games are good for the real time strategy aspect, as they are pretty average as far as grand strategy is concerned, but still enjoyable.

If you do not mind space games, then the endless space series is good. (Endless Space, Endless Space 2, Endless Legends)

Ah, and if you decide to try out Stronghold Crusader mentioned by △○□×, then I recommend pirating, the steam version glitches out for whatever reasons, especially multiplayer. If you have any moral qualms about that, you can buy it on steam but pirate a different version anyway.

8 Name: DSR : 2019-11-29 05:22 ID:EHxDlk6d [Del]

I don't know how nobody wrote these, but Civilization IV, V and VI (you can also try to older ones if you want). I enjoy them a lot and Civ IV is on discount on steam atm, less than 7€ for the whole thing.

Also Heroes of might and magic III. There are more but the third one is the best in most peoples opinions.