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need new games to play (23)

1 Name: Itzkingjolt17 : 2019-07-16 16:05 ID:0ipHmEAs [Del]

Hi, I'm a really hard core game (and I don't mean fortnite), just finished persona 4 and need a new game, any suggestions?

2 Name: herito117 : 2019-07-16 17:49 ID:fhDZMTpc [Del]

i would recomend you persona 5 or a souls like game

3 Name: -Blanka- : 2019-07-17 04:47 ID:Y9DoieB+ [Del]

i personally like playing identity v which is having a crossover with persona 5 so I'm quite exited

4 Name: Mura : 2019-07-21 00:26 ID:dPA9j7/I [Del]

Nier Automata as an RPG or the Metro series as an FPS

5 Name: TaroThePoet : 2019-07-22 16:26 ID:7Fscx6QP [Del]


6 Name: Ittsuki : 2019-07-25 18:27 ID:JfmM+x4L [Del]

If you want mobile online games, I can recommend the game I'm playing right now, Crown Four Kingdoms.
The only bad thing of the game is when you are a higher level it will take more time to complete the daily quest...

If you have a specific game details or genre it would be much easier to give games...

7 Name: NightCrow45 : 2019-08-05 01:06 ID:NkogwdfX [Del]

If I may ask, can you be specific about the genre you like the most about games? so I can help you to find interesting games for you

8 Name: Kanra-fan : 2019-08-20 03:48 ID:UQ6zZiUS [Del]

If you're looking for another 'persona' experience of course check out P3 or P5 (given the popularity of P5 chances are you played that one before 4). If your looking for other turn based RPGs, the final fantasy games (pre-12) of course are great but if you're looking for a casual game, Golden Sun and its sequel the lost age are great, easy but a little shallow. (though I love its class system). Paper Mario the thousand year door has some hillarious dialouge, or the mario & luigi rpgs are pretty unique.

Keeping with turn based there's also the fire emblem series, more turn based tactical than rpg but it does have plenty of rpg mechanics (sacred stones is going to be the easiest.) Beware of perma-death with the older titles. If you love grinding, the disgaea series is another turn based tactical rpg that has alot of it.

If you're more into action theres of course Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, god of war and the 'Tales of' series. (Abyss, Vesperia, Xillia, Berseria to name a few.) Of course Dark Souls, Bloodbourne and Sekiro, like Herito mentioned, if you're really hardcore about difficulty (Bloodbourne was my favorite though.)

9 Name: Ryu-Shiranui : 2019-08-22 10:33 ID:VKOaXorU [Del]

>>8 hehe always happy to see a fellow Bloodborne fan ^^ and also yes I agree they're all good lists Kanra-fan.

>>1 plus I would like to add some current and remastered FF games, Fable games and lucid9 game in steam wc is the one I''m currently playing... and prolly not doing good at the same time lol.

If you have a psp I can recommend the other FF games like 1-4 & tactics, Brave new world traveller and Tales of the World: RM.

If you're into old emulators probably some PS2: Shin Megami Tensei games, Xenosaga series and Atelier games? (I haven't played Atelier in mine yet so I can't say much atm) and in PSOne: Valkyrie Profile (also in PS2), Vagrant story, Vandal hearts, Suikoden(PS2) and Persona 1&2 IS/EP.

I only do emulators because I don't have my old consoles anymore I would buy another ones if I could, but can't find them here in stores and since I travelled a lot I can only carry so much so I preferred having my old trusty laptop with me instead wherever I go. lol

10 Name: Blue : 2019-08-28 00:14 ID:PvVytlej [Del]

Some of my favorites are Witcher, Metal Gear Solid and Devil May Cry, try them if you haven't yet!

11 Name: Tyberfen : 2019-09-19 15:02 ID:hmbKrO8F [Del]

Personally liked the "Valkyria Chronicles" Games a lot. Rather unique gameplay with a some nice characters

12 Name: Namigeist : 2019-10-07 10:58 ID:Kus9b+mD [Del]

Kingdom Hearts. The Story is amazing. Kingdom Hearts have 9 Games. You can play every game on PS4. Just two are for DS and there is one mobile Game. Just give it a try. (Sorry for my english)

13 Name: Axolotus : 2019-10-12 15:43 ID:acTyuYF6 [Del]

Since you say you're a hardcore gamer, the Dark Souls trilogy might be a really good suggestion

14 Name: Kuro : 2019-10-12 17:04 ID:qQhhFgWH [Del]

Play The Witcher 3. That´s all I need to say.

15 Name: Kinmochi : 2019-10-16 13:35 ID:x5dEKHzi [Del]

If you got off of Persona 4, I recommend Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne or Digital Devil Saga

16 Name: newport : 2019-10-17 08:40 ID:LBvp1B5/ [Del]

hi me nam iz jo rdan ad i dink u should lay dis rlly gud gome iz called mine raft supa dupa instense rpg den dere fortnight AND i DEN TELL U IT IS INTENSE SPECIALLY FORTNIGHT 2

17 Name: Mediocre : 2019-11-05 16:12 ID:cGxELJCx [Del]

The Outter Worlds just came out. It's a solid mix between Borderlands, Mass Effect, and Fallout 4. Aaand if you haven't played those, I suggest them too?

18 Name: Z : 2019-11-11 09:46 ID:B9F/z57V [Del]

Try Disco Elysium, it's amazing.

19 Name: Lizardman : 2019-11-11 22:26 ID:Wvm8LM9d [Del]

If you don't mind old-school, I really liked Baulder's Gate and Neverwinter Nights along with their sequels.

20 Name: Mac Tir3 : 2019-11-12 03:48 ID:4LR+7n9X [Del]

Try Yakuza 0

21 Name: Mooshie : 2019-11-17 05:19 ID:ItuKmoZt [Del]

Crusader Kings 2 is pretty fun and goes on sale almost every steam sale. Payday 2 is great with friends. The Witcher 3 is hands down one of the best games ever, so definitely play that. Maybe some of the Total War games? Mass Effect and Dragon Age games are both pretty good.

22 Name: MisterOlive : 2019-11-18 04:51 ID:nRSgChgA [Del]

Way too broad, and if you are a "hard core game[r]" then you have most likely played many games, so, if you do not mind, could you give a list/link to steam profile?
That way I can give a better recomendation without simply listing all the games I ever enjoyed in my life.

23 Name: Sasuke : 2019-11-19 12:55 ID:4c40ypF4 [Del]

If you haven’t played persona 5 you should play that. There’s a app to help you with it called PersonaDex it help out a lot.