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Chess Advice (4)

1 Name: Skadi : 2018-08-21 03:13 ID:ky1T1zCU [Del]

Any chess-pros have advice for a novice who wants to improve?

2 Name: 737 : 2018-08-25 22:01 ID:G1n4AX/f [Del]

I'm basically a novice too, but I would say just don't give away free pawns, make sure your attack has enough support before you commit to it, or else it'll probably backfire. Try to trade less active pieces for more active ones. In all honesty, I could use some advice too, not sure what level you're at, very possible I'm just listing things you already know

3 Name: Roro Cyr : 2018-08-30 11:00 ID:VyRdY757 [Del]

white bishop is usually stronger when you play white and same goes for black bishop when playing black.

4 Name: Benji : 2018-09-04 17:34 ID:gskf8PAA [Del]

What I've learned is try to always play 2 steps ahead, and have multiple plans. Personally when I play I like to start very defensively and set the pace of the of the game. Chess is basically a big mind game. Don't just think about your moves but the moves your opponent could make as well. Also don't be afraid to trade a strong piece if it can benefit you in the long run. When I was taught I was always afraid to lose my queen or either of my bishops, but the sacrifice could be worth it in the long run so don't be scared to sack off a piece if you feel it'll lead to your victory. Honestly though it all comes down to practice. Keep playing against people who are better than you. If you lose a lot so be it you'll learn a lot more about the game and will improve bit by bit the more you play against someone above your level. I hope that helps good luck.