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What is the best game you ever played? (11)

1 Name: someboi : 2018-05-07 10:47 ID:dWgQqlaS [Del]

I'm just curious. What is the best video game you guys ever played? It can be any video game from awesome that everyone likes or terrible that not muchh people like.

My favorite game is Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium made by SEGA

2 Name: thatfantasyartist : 2018-05-07 12:44 ID:Nt7TF8Ej [Del]

Tales of the abyss! It meant so much to me and heck, that game is solid. Huge story, great characters and awesome gameplay.

3 Name: IHATESCHOOL : 2018-05-08 07:41 ID:ZvAQwEdX [Del]


4 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-08 10:31 ID:7+8G4hoR [Del]

every game these days suck i can't find any good game, each game is just like the other it's all boring to me but the game im playing right now is SAO's legends

5 Name: Nanami. : 2018-05-09 11:08 ID:I0THVAc5 [Del]

Echo of Soul (not EOS Phoenix aka the new beta, the old one)

6 Name: Revui : 2018-05-15 13:07 ID:8J/uaH6m [Del]

Epic Mickey. Its not perfect and it has its issues (like that freaking camera), but its got, hands down, the best story I've ever seen.

7 Name: Nine : 2018-05-15 15:25 ID:GDBGITXW [Del]

Armored Core. 4, if I had to choose a favorite.

Customizable, gritty mechs in a war-torn world? Sign me the heck up, the game's combat is amazing and FromSoft's iconic style of story-telling works wonders for it.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Kanekisnickers24 : 2018-05-16 17:38 ID:HTxMDw+J [Del]

I like watching gameplay because I'm too busy to play them myself, but I really like Welcome To The Game 2, Little Nightmares, Persona 3, Persona 5, Yandere Simulator (being made rn), and Life Is Strange. Puzzle, horror and psychological sums it up.

10 Name: Rin26 : 2018-05-21 01:24 ID:jPBtG5Gh [Del]

The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess

11 Name: Steve : 2018-05-21 01:29 ID:HHpPZHPq [Del]

Nioh, its one of the hardest games I ever played but also the most fun once I got the hang of it.