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Visual Novels







Dark Souls Remastered (7)

1 Name: Jusen : 2018-01-12 07:57 ID:GblPQ5y6 (Image: 1600x800 jpg, 342 kb) [Del]

src/1515765447018.jpg: 1600x800, 342 kb
Recently, Nintendo revealed that there is going to be a Dark Souls game on the Switch. So, is it worth buying?
And are the Souls games good in general?

2 Name: Rever : 2018-01-12 09:52 ID:ANFpnuZ1 [Del]

My friends are huge fans of the Dark Souls series and they've constantly advised me to get this remastered one.
They said Dark Souls is one of the best and toughest games to play so I think it's gonna be worth a shot when it releases

They did mention though that the second and third ones weren't as tough as this one, which makes me wanna try it more

3 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2018-01-12 10:24 ID:xSWI9rC2 [Del]

I think they are all about the same difficulty. The main difference is the progression. Dark souls 1 has everything connected, while ds2 and ds3 don't. Ds3 has less variance in enemies and scenery as well.

I'm re-playong ds1 and I realize it was harder for me the first time, since I wasn't used to the game mechanics and fighting styles.

4 Name: Sharo : 2018-01-12 11:03 ID:GdElYWLF [Del]

God yes, Dark souls is freaking amazing from the lore Ive read and I'm hyped as shit for it. I never played DS1 but my roommate let me play Dark Souls 3 on Xbox one and its awesome. considering the praise (the sun) its gotten and it is going to be in 30fps 1080p, I'm getting the damn console for this.

5 Name: Namie : 2018-01-12 22:57 ID:5bc58SeX [Del]

>>4 Don't buy a switch just for this lol, the remaster is for XB1 and PlayStation too.

6 Name: Jusen : 2018-01-13 13:29 ID:XTrHARB4 [Del]

>>2>>3>>4 Ok, thanks for telling me!

7 Name: Captain : 2018-01-15 11:37 ID:JealF/II [Del]

buy the switch for Mario Odyssey then get the remaster for a bonus