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What's a game (or games) that are close to your heart? (58)

1 Name: Rampant Phantom : 2018-01-03 21:31 ID:qrrCVBiJ [Del]

So I'm sure that at some point we've all played that game that is just incredibly near and dear to our hearts, and is capable of putting us in a good mood and just kind of lights a fire inside.

I have a couple that do it for me, but one in particular is the original Mass Effect.

When I first played Mass Effect, I was in high school, and it was about a year or so before Mass Effect 2 came out. When I first tried it, I just couldn't get into it, there was too much talking, and the combat systems were kind of just lost on me.

One day, when our internet went down and I thought I'd go mad from not being able to play online with friends, I decided to try Mass Effect again. I don't know why, but I just did.

After spending more time actually TRYING to understand it, everything else just kind of began to come to me a lot simpler.

I managed to beat the game within the three or so days that our internet was down, and I had this weird feeling after completing it. It was incredibly engaging, and for some reason that game actually calms and soothes me, especially when I'm in the Citadel and running through the Lower Wards and I'm at Flux or Chora's Den. I think I just love how simplistic the game is and how much each decision you make REALLY affects how your game will go, even in Mass Effect 2 and 3. Something so small might make all the difference. I loved the story and the writing.

The second time I played Mass Effect, I transferred that character to the second game, all the way to the third, then get overwhelmed and stopped. I'm currently on my third time for the first game, playing as a FemShep (Female Sheppard) for the first time, and on my second playthrough of the game using a completed save file to finish leveling and make decisions I couldn't in the first playthrough.

What game(s) do that for you? What about them makes them special for you?

2 Name: Leviathan : 2018-01-05 00:33 ID:G6FpPnRs [Del]

Funny enough, Mass Effect.

I didn't play the games until they came out with the ME Trilogy on the PS3 because I didn't have an Xbox and my friend refused to let me play 2 and 3 without having played the first one and I honestly thank him to this for that whenever it comes up in conversation.

I'm a story writer, I love to write and I love fiction. I'm a roleplayer and regardless of your opinions on that it's a hobby that I vastly enjoyed and I've met some fantastic people doing it that I've known for over a decade when I first picked it up in my early teens. Point is that it was only natural that I start to carve stories and backgrounds and quirks for not only my Shepards but the crew members as well, headcanons basically (again, regardless of your opinions on that).

As a whole I just loved the games but the more background I came up the close I got to these characters and as I kept playing the games over and over I found myself getting attached and certain scenes were sadder for me. Sure I've done this with other RPGs and games like them before (Skyrim, Fallout, etc) but Mass Effect specifically did something for me whenever I beat them no matter how many times I beat them or how many times I saw those cut-scenes.

Whenever I'm not feeling the greatest or at 100% I know I can always go back to Mass Effect without fail.

3 Name: Xeon !XeonHLOACY : 2018-01-10 03:55 ID:E+Lnf+sE [Del]

Brave Fencer Musashi it was what started my love for JRPG's

4 Name: Rever : 2018-01-12 09:55 ID:ANFpnuZ1 [Del]

Yeah i get the feeling, for me it would be the Kingdom Hearts series
The plot is amazing, with unique characters and a great gamestyle and play and I'd say its a game that always ranks up my mood when I play it. I'd advise anyone to try it especially since the third and final one is coming out this year

5 Name: Avalon : 2018-01-13 07:07 ID:M7G9yAke [Del]

Okami! Got it as a trade-in from Costco and played it on the Wii. The art, characters, story, and rich world really got me hooked as a kid. I'd spend hours just going back and forth exploring and looking for new secrets in the maps. Played the HD version recently and it's as good as I remembered.

6 Name: Captain : 2018-01-15 11:41 ID:JealF/II [Del]

Anything by clover studio! the way clover stylizes their games blew my mind as a kid, and I continue to love their work as platinum games to this day!

7 Name: Jo : 2018-01-15 22:36 ID:fQj3kLsM [Del]

I love the new Zelda:Breath of the Wild game.

PS WHERE DID U FIND OKAMI!?!? ive been trying to find it forever

8 Name: Captain !vRaRmFR9ZY : 2018-01-16 10:17 ID:JealF/II [Del]

>>7 or look towards local pawn/thrift shops

9 Name: Shinigami117 : 2018-01-19 00:53 ID:TmKgerQA [Del]

Skyrim is like comfort food to me, I just keep coming back to it and it always makes me happy.

What Remains of Edith Finch is easily one of the most beautiful and emotional games I've ever seen. It's the only game I've played that really connected with me on a personal level.

10 Name: Yggdravil : 2018-01-25 05:03 ID:ZloVDFB+ [Del]

Halo original trilogy, got the first game when I was 9 and have loved it ever since!

11 Name: Kanra : 2018-01-27 08:50 ID:jQA0wGdU [Del]

I am going to create some controversy, but despite popular belief I love LeGue of Legends! :) I started playing around 4 years ago and got extremely into it.
Add me if you want to:
Username: murkel
Server: NA

12 Name: TheAngryBird : 2018-01-28 03:36 ID:hycg7SYb [Del]

Roblox 2010-2014, despite Roblox being bad nowadays this was my favourite childhood game :)

13 Name: Izaya orihara : 2018-01-28 03:39 ID:dB7rhJyF [Del]

Hello TheAngryBird

14 Name: Paprika : 2018-01-28 23:23 ID:Jd8KIlQ/ [Del]

For me, it's Mystic Messenger
even though it's not like, a childhood game of mine

it holds a special place in my heart

15 Post deleted by user.

16 Name: Big Boss : 2018-07-17 20:44 ID:4jNLkbXA [Del]

Metal Gear Soild 3 Snake Eater got me to love history and nurtured my sense of curiosity :)

17 Name: DrkNghtSky : 2018-07-19 20:36 ID:51ddZX0F [Del]

For me, it is League Of Legends. My uncle would play it lots and I got into it a little.

18 Name: AmazingHoffman : 2018-07-22 05:00 ID:TSjgCz7L [Del]

I'd say for me it's Pokémon R/S/E.
I was born in a rural part of my country. One day we went to a forest with my kindetgarde. We were playing around at some camping area. I don't know what I was doing there exactly, but at some point I was sitting behind a bush. I noticed some weird black sticker with silver writing sticking out of the dirt, so I tried digging out whatever it was. As it turned out, it was a Nintendo GBA with a copy of Pokémon Sapphire inside. I didn't know what it was, so I brought it to my father. He explained and fixed the console in a lab at his workplace. The battery port was broken, so he soldered a power cable to the port. I always had to sit next to a power outlet when I wanted to play, but that's what got me into gaming. Both my father and I had no idea about the game and there was no manual, logically, but we figured it out step by step. One day dad tried to fix the GBA again, however, he broke it beyond repair. I got a new GBA (the one with the cool tribal design), and from this point onwards it was a journey that just recently climaxed in my buyind a high spec gaming PC.
Some time later we moved to my country's capital, leaving the rural areas behind. At least once a year I get a strong kick of nostalgia, wanting to play R/S/E again. Hoenn is like a second home for me and it makes me think of the quiet region I was born in. Next week I'll be going there to visit my grandparents, and I'm pretty sure I'll be taking my badass tribal GBA with me.

19 Name: John Smith : 2018-07-23 16:13 ID:WY8cZylq [Del]

I'd go for the gba version of A link to the past.
Basically the first game I ever owned, even if it wasnt the first that I finished. I still remember getting stuck in the dark world cause I couldnt find the moon pearl.
Maybe not my favorite game, but still full of nostalgia.
Also shout out for hoenn

20 Name: Kanralo : 2018-07-29 04:28 ID:AS4cBcBn [Del]

Definely Nier Automata, the story, characters, everything about this game is just perfect.

21 Name: Camui : 2018-08-06 12:05 ID:1+5lyCf1 [Del]

For me it would be Team Fortress 2. It's just too good, and i have many memories of it.

22 Name: Sandro : 2018-08-07 14:46 ID:7toD0E33 [Del]

I love the series of HoM&M. Especially the V part. A magical world with interesting storylines and lager number mobs with personal abilities... Well, I think it`s one of the best of strategical games ^^

23 Name: MayDay : 2018-08-12 20:43 ID:ARt+oPYo [Del]

Octodad, my friend gifted it to me on steam and It made me super happy. I got all 39 ties >.>

24 Name: Fruity : 2018-08-13 03:29 ID:/r1c0p7l [Del]

For me, it's always been the Ys series. Goodness,I remember first starting with Ys 7 and never was able to stop playing the game from the afternoon till 6am in the morning! And then finding out there were more.

25 Name: ShortFuse !s8qLJgZJNc : 2018-08-15 16:02 ID:kGhwuzAG [Del]

A game that I always think fondly of is oblivion because of its soothing soundtrack (whilst exploring towns or forests and such) and its sprawling open world, also the dark brotherhood was well written as a story.

26 Name: BlackPolarBear!55KAsJDeac : 2018-08-18 09:13 ID:u25CxMWW [Del]

mine is bastion, first time i played it i was so mesmerised by the gameplay and art style. The game is just so unique, at least for me at that specific time.

27 Name: Ace : 2018-08-21 20:39 ID:DthC56F7 [Del]

The game for me was Persona 4 Golden on the PsVita. It had a fantastic soundtrack and really taught me to appreciate many features of games I play nowadays.

28 Name: Dr. Love : 2018-08-24 08:51 ID:6A0OIik0 [Del]

It's gotta be Portal 2, dude.

29 Name: Menimi : 2018-09-01 21:42 ID:8gyokeMI [Del]

Probably for me it's LoZ Wind Waker and Kirby's Epic Yarn, but who can be upset whenever they play Kirby's Epic Yarn? lol

30 Name: Rook : 2018-09-02 18:38 ID:/ghvz/JG [Del]

Persona 5. I really related to the themes of rebelling against society's standards and embracing the part of you that tells you to fight back rather than watching things happen.

31 Name: ピカチュー : 2018-09-13 01:19 ID:P2zp3cJ3 [Del]

Kingdom hearts ! ! All of the games are super close to my heart, and the OST's make me cry every time.. I can't wait until kingdom hearts III !

32 Name: Jennyliino : 2018-09-13 03:28 ID:e/K5eC7o [Del]

this is going to get cringy, but I LOVE sonic games. I have been playing the games less, but the franchise is still really close to my heart.

Another game dear to me is SSX3. I still enjoy playing it, and in my opinion it's one of the best snowboarding games out there.

33 Name: Sasuka : 2018-09-13 07:12 ID:GbtLJER0 [Del]

Minecraft for LIFE! I love the multi-player modes and adore playing with other people

34 Name: Kib_ : 2018-09-13 18:58 ID:EyZG0MJ8 [Del]

Pokemon, and D&D. Pokemon because it was what I would play to escape real life from bullying. And D&D because its really fun!

35 Name: ItsYourBoiKnuckles : 2018-09-21 10:45 ID:dWgQqlaS [Del]

I LOVE Minecraft because I've always played it when I was little, which it was like 6 years ago. I have been playing the Xbox 360 Edition for almost 5 years now. I now hate that they are never updating the older consoles execpt PS4. It's really sad.

36 Name: Anonymous : 2018-09-22 21:29 ID:vfASq5ua [Del]

Black ops 2 is my favorite game i think its perfect

37 Name: Slink : 2018-09-25 09:00 ID:vV/Tl1yK [Del]

The Batman:Arkham games were great. But I also went old school with Mario and Donkey Kong Country on the SNES. And the battlefront games on the PS2

38 Name: Gerbagel : 2018-09-27 11:33 ID:ahHF8ZB1 [Del]

I'd have to say Kingdom Hearts II. As far as I can remember, it was the first game I played as a child, and today, I still love going back to the PS2 version to play through a few worlds.

39 Name: Patt : 2018-09-30 04:28 ID:yGCQvBxu [Del]

Possibly Age of Empires 2, the LAN parties I had with my family long ago was heart warming. Oh, I miss those times.

40 Name: Cool_guy : 2018-10-01 08:07 ID:RzSLQqKK [Del]

Probably crash Bandicoot

41 Name: Elixime : 2018-10-07 13:01 ID:QkG6BDU8 [Del]

Hum...Kingdom Hearts, Oblivion and Skyrim(Elders scrolls)and Wakfu! ^^

42 Name: Daccano : 2018-10-09 21:04 ID:C/g/x07G [Del]

Persona 3,4, and 5

Persona 4 was with me in a rough point in my life and helped me a lot and then right after Persona 5 helped me to break out of my shell

43 Name: Mura : 2018-10-11 04:54 ID:MVK63GKR [Del]

I normally don't start playing a game aiming to get all the achievements or trophies but when i started playing Nier Automata i just didn't want to stop so i wound up exploring and doing everything i could and it ending up being one of the first (and only at the time) games i ever set out to perfect

44 Name: Doomy : 2018-10-16 00:18 ID:fk2iWNCM [Del]

I was 7 when I played my first Elder scroll franchise, it was Oblivion and oh god, I've never felt so immersive by a game before.The game makes me want to live in there , and fantasize being some character(Role playing if i say so).
It makes me appreciate more that A good writing and some gameplay mechanic can makes not just a game but an unforgetabble experience.

45 Name: Sillymoo : 2018-10-19 09:11 ID:sf+eeGtH [Del]

Definitely Pokemon, pretty much any of the games. Pokemon has a been a huge part of my childhood and my life. It started off with the trading cards, my dad would award me and my brother with them everyday if we did chores and hw without being asked. Then I started playing snap on the N64 (I remember never being able to get past the river/cave level). Then I just started plating the gameboy/nds stuff. I'd collect whatever I could and I made important friends in my life through Pokemon.No matter what I always find myself looking for Pokemon games to play or replay or even games that are fanmade Pokemon games or games similar to it. I just can't help but love it to death. Been a wonderful part of my life and childhood.

46 Name: Nonymous : 2018-10-19 09:13 ID:sf+eeGtH [Del]

I'm particularly fond of modded Minecraft, specifically the Technic Modpack "Arcane." My girlfriend (user Sillymoo) and I play it a lot together, and it always makes me smile when I play. Just so much to do, and so much to explore! And even more to steal~

47 Name: Ishiku-kun : 2018-10-26 17:14 ID:lf6E8pCm [Del]

My favourite game has to be The Last of Us. It is a freaking beautiful and amazing game, personally it has the best story I've ever seen in any of the games I've every played. If any of you haven't played it I STRONGLY suggest you do. Hope evryone has a great day.

48 Name: Dovahkiin : 2018-11-05 01:28 ID:0BR6drWf [Del]

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and ESO damn good games, been a part of my life and I will never ever regret it.

49 Name: Yoshida : 2018-11-05 09:39 ID:/Q/I/4I1 [Del]

Battlefield 3 was a great game, good multiplayer and excellent campaign

50 Name: Roxas : 2018-11-07 11:05 ID:xhovvPWF [Del]

Kingdom Hearts h a

51 Name: Bastion : 2018-11-09 17:45 ID:pVAmHyAL (Image: 569x427 jpg, 40 kb) [Del]

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Fallout: New Vegas, muthafuckas.

52 Name: RoseCandy : 2018-11-12 12:21 ID:sgy6o8Xm [Del]

Reckoning: Kingdom Of Amular and God of War I and II

Old but gold, will forever be my favs lol

53 Name: Nagisa Lynne : 2018-11-23 13:58 ID:OwjLqk/p [Del]

I'm into overwatch it's one of my favorite games

54 Name: Belmont : 2018-12-02 10:12 ID:C0b3PQrs [Del]

I have a few games that feel a lot like home to me. Among them is Detroit: Become Human, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Dragon Age 2 and 3. I always manage to feel at ease whenever I cut these guys on and hear the opening music and see the title.

55 Name: Valete : 2018-12-02 13:30 ID:HhTOUbsL [Del]

Radiant historia, on nintendo ds (not the one on 3ds, because Eruca)

56 Name: Miyukino : 2018-12-02 16:34 ID:hwc/jhRW [Del]

Tera Online.

I've been playing the game on and off for the past few years on the NA server. I have good memories of it with friends and guilds. Running dungeons with friends, the pvp, and race to get a skycastle (back then) is pretty fun. It does get stale from time to time, but the combat system brings me back every time. The game uses Unreal Engine 3 and doesn't really have a good optimization but it's still one of the most beautiful mmorpg I've played.

Now I'm playing on the EU server with my boyfriend. We made our own guild and we're still learning the hard dungeons (never made past 439s). Eh, well, we'll get there one day.

Oh and Pokemon games are AWESOME. I got my BF to marathon Soulsilver with me today <3

57 Name: Kimiko : 2018-12-05 00:29 ID:0u1vBAA4 [Del]

I'm not a full-on Gamer, but so far my all time favorite game is Skyrim. I just love the whole scenery and the in-game history and basically everything about it. I love the fact that I can do whatever I want and it'll be fine. And I love to imagine like I'm actually there in the game having all those adventures.
Another game I really like, and don't judge me here, is Minecraft. I know MC is seen as a stupid game for 12-year-olds but hey, I really think it's underrated. I'm a college student and tbh playing MC really helps me relax and calm down after a stressful week or even a stressful month! It's not really about the blocks, it's about me being kind-of in control of the game and literally building anything I want. I love to build mansions and villages, kind of like building my own town in which I feel safe and it soothes me. I usually prefer to play alone and in creative mode so that helps too.
IDK, it may sound stupid, but for me it's a way to relax. Those are definitely two of the games that are close to my heart <3

58 Name: Nonymous !5r2qNO.ONE : 2018-12-12 12:59 ID:iRUU5qyb [Del]

Modded minecraft is life, watchu talkin' about? Skyrim is cool too, but I prefer to mod it until it becomes a hardcore survival RPG.