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Is Battlefront II any good? (6)

1 Name: Slink : 2017-11-17 12:48 ID:vV/Tl1yK [Del]

I'm thinking of getting Battlefront but have no idea what it's like. Thoughts?

2 Name: Kisuke21 : 2017-11-17 22:52 ID:ZxSlgeOQ [Del]

From what I have seen and experienced playing the first Battlefront, I can only describe the game as similar in gameplay to a sort of Star Wars themed Call of Duty. Though I know Battlefront II has added new game modes including a campaign as well and some other aspects, so I think the best idea for a newcomer is to play some sort of trial through a demo or a friend to see if you like the gameplay before making any purchases. I loved the original Battlefront 2 on the original Xbox, but I know that a lot of people who aren't big Star Wars fans weren't willing to put out the money because they felt the new Battlefronts were too similar to other FPS games only with a Star Wars theme.

3 Name: TC5 : 2017-11-20 10:08 ID:F9UOhle0 [Del]

s more content and more depth to DICE's recreation of the "Star Wars" world.

Single player campaign introduces cool characters
Class-based multiplayer makes for strategic battles.
Offers a lot more game for your dollar than the first Battlefront.
More fun multiplayer modes

Story is a pretty rote but disjointed Star Wars tale
Loot box system makes progress slow and confusing

4 Name: Namie : 2017-11-21 18:19 ID:peqRre3W [Del]

>Day one glitches
>Luke Skywalker locked behind a paywall
>Campaign is dull and the story is the same as every star wars game where you "play as the Empire".

It's shit.

5 Name: onchyophoran : 2017-12-02 01:20 ID:RnLm2K/1 [Del]

Star Wars Battlefront II pales in comparison to Star Wars Battlefront II ...wait.

The very idea that the 2005 Pandemic Studios game has more features, superior stability, NO MICROTRANSACTIONS and fucking working netcode (especially now that they brought back proper servers) to this 2017 EA release is a shameful joke.

6 Name: G$W : 2017-12-06 00:00 ID:xJVR/os9 [Del]

Don't buy it and here's why.

1. The care packages will never give you anything useful and it's pay to win.
2. The credit system is botched. The difference between the players that come in first and last place is about 30 credits.
3. The campaign is only 4 hours long (short compared to most games) and the story line is weak and doesn't truly feel like starwars.
4. The best mode isn't even fighting with light sabers, it's when you fly a X Wing when you feel in awe at the game but here's the kicker, the developers of this game mode had nothing to do with any other part of the game.
5. It's similar to battlefield 1 and because history repeats itself the price will probably drop by the end of February if not sooner

(if you still want to buy it l, wait a month or two and I guarantee the price will be dropped tremendously)