Dollars BBS | Games










Visual Novels







PS4? (16)

1 Name: Mo : 2017-04-12 07:42 ID:QydDw/Zk [Del]

Any PS4 Dollars out there?
If yes, what do you play?

2 Name: NotN1nk : 2017-04-14 21:03 ID:x7K03A3/ [Del]

You play ark, overwatch, the crew, etc? I'm at yutyutfamily4_ , no mic though.

3 Name: NotN1nk : 2017-04-14 21:04 ID:x7K03A3/ [Del]

I also recommend Fire watch, ESO or Skyrim remastered.

4 Name: SolidusSnake92 : 2017-04-22 19:17 ID:kNFpi8Oh [Del]

I'll probably get BF1. I haven't played very much on my ps4

5 Name: Kelpy : 2017-04-23 01:03 ID:wEq3AI1h [Del]

Persona 5, since it came out. I will be getting Akiba Beat and I did get Nier: Automata. Multiplayer games I have are Destiny, FFXIV... I should get more games.

6 Name: Britannia : 2017-04-23 10:08 ID:mOUijZf3 [Del]

now alone
Street Figther 5

No leemos

7 Name: Way2cool2 : 2017-05-08 19:10 ID:ImpPCv4V [Del]

I have a PS4 I play overwatch naruto ninja storm 4 and Aton of other games we should have a PS4 party

8 Name: Lyxee$ : 2017-05-09 08:12 ID:iQEeG+lc [Del]

>>7 I also have a ps4 and naruto storm 4 my name is Lyxee we should totaly have a ps4 party for $:s

9 Name: firepaw : 2017-05-09 17:43 ID:ImpPCv4V [Del]

I'm going to start ps4 party for the dollars today at 8:00 if you want to join give me your username

10 Name: Lyxee$ : 2017-05-10 13:05 ID:iQEeG+lc [Del]

>>9 sorry for being late my username is Lyxee. xD just like my name here but without the dollar sign.

11 Name: Lyxee$ : 2017-05-10 13:07 ID:iQEeG+lc [Del]

>>9 or u meant someone else xDDD

12 Name: Shayde : 2017-05-13 11:46 ID:3dW3SfGx (Image: 1280x674 png, 728 kb) [Del]

src/1494693976665.png: 1280x674, 728 kb
Yo, I got a ps4, and play Overwatch GTA and Persona 5, anyone wanna hang out on there my name is VelvetRoomGaming.

13 Name: Wolfpack : 2017-05-13 22:17 ID:7CLZCbnj [Del]

Sorry don't have PS+ or any of the games you just mentioned but if I did I would join you.

14 Name: Zero : 2017-05-26 16:07 ID:Jb2/HP04 [Del]

Sweet, someone who has a PS4! I'm free for playing at the moment, and if you wanna play, just find ZERO--MERCURY

15 Name: EnglishFox : 2017-05-28 10:21 ID:Cy163REA [Del]

Try the persona series, I believe most of those games run on play station platforms.

16 Name: PK : 2017-06-03 13:32 ID:qkrkj4pC [Del]

yep I have a ps4. I've only been playing persona 5 lately though. But back in the ps3 days I loved the littlebigplanet series