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RPGs - Table Top Discussion (8)

1 Name: Crimsic : 2017-02-07 20:10 ID:vo+XQNU2 (Image: 284x177 jpg, 10 kb) [Del]

src/1486519812546.jpg: 284x177, 10 kb
Greetings people. Not sure if there is a thread about this already. If there is then send me a message and I'll take this down and join up there. If not I imagine there are those who enjoy table top role play games, not just dnd but gurps, ultra simple, etc. I'd like to see others' opinions as well as advice that can help future/present dms and players enjoy the game a little better. Who knows? Maybe some new groups could be inspired here, or I certainly hope so. So gather around the computers/phones/tablets friends, and let your questions, answers, and shenanigans come out and thrive!

2 Name: HoneyBunny : 2017-02-11 13:12 ID:FjFEY6CW [Del]

Hope my couple of questions are good enough to start a discussion :)
Feel free to answer any number of them, or add some.

1 - What's your favorite table top RPG world?
2 - Do you favour existing worlds, or one you have made-up and can customise as you like?
3 - What's your ideal number of players?
4 - How far do you go with the accessories (maps, objects, cosplay...)
5 - Which is the best dice combination? (number of sides, number of dice...)
6 - How long should a proper game be?
7 - Where do you meet up for the game?
8 - When do you meet up?
9 - Where do you find your background music/sound effects (if you use any)?
10 - How did you start playing table top RPGs?
11 - Do you prefer RPG video games, or table top RPGs?
12 - What's your favorite rule?

3 Name: HoneyBunny : 2017-02-11 13:16 ID:FjFEY6CW [Del]

13 - Do you play table-top RPG with same gender people or do you mix it up?
14 - What's the funniest situation you've ever been in?
15 - Which accomplishment (a critical hit, good choice-making) makes you particularly proud?

4 Name: Blaze : 2017-02-13 05:57 ID:i1i3X2Nb [Del]

To answer number 15, I once managed to kill a dragon from the inside out while playing Dungeons and dragons with some friends. Always been proud of that.

5 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2017-02-15 01:05 ID:qI7On9oJ [Del]

1.Pathfinder Campaign Maps
3.4-6 players
4.Deeply when using Roll20 for campaigns
5.1d20s in my opinion
6.3-6 Hours Depending
9.Discord Bot w/Youtube links
10.Friends randomly introduced me.
12.What happens when you put a Bag of Holding in a Bag of Holding.
13.Both male and female
14.One campaign I was in. A friend and I were pretty much cursed when we started(not even campaign-wise). But every time we were right beside eachother, something bad always happens. The first time, we were gonna mine an ore vein in a mining cave. The cave collapsed on us where the vein was after one hit.The second time, we were in a dungeon. 2 party members looked around one area first. Then we go and check. THE FLOOR IS NOW ACID. Third, we were in combat and we had 3 critical fails.
15.Good character making

6 Name: Randumtacoz : 2017-02-17 02:00 ID:cBFw/FdH [Del]

Anyone want to make a dollars online D&d group?

7 Name: Enigami !c6PjAO5Kw. : 2017-02-17 09:40 ID:uss/niTM [Del]

>>6 ... maybe? Depends on who else is up for it.
1. Not sure. I played once as a freshman, and don't know what the name of the world was...
2. I'd be down for either, though pre-existing world's would be easier to begin playing.
3. 4-6 players
4. Not very. Might have a figurine and a decent map, but that's it.
5. Not sure I'm pretty much a noob. :/
6. I feel like a proper game should be at least two hours, at most 5.
7. Met in a friend's dorm room.
8. Met at around 7pm. It went for a loooooooong time.
9. Friend just used music he had on his computer. Not sure where he got it.
10. A friend was talking about it with me. I said that it sounded fun, and he got me into his group. Once. After that, I kinda drifted from the guy.
11. Both are fun. Only table top RPG I've played extensively is Fiasco, though. Only ever played D&D once, with the aforementioned friend and his group.
12. Dunno.
13. Only ever played with dudes, but would be open to playing with people of either gender.
14. In my only campaign, I remember one of my friends planned on hiding in a noble lady's bedroom. I told him in-game that it sounded creepy. He started getting flustered, saying "it's not what it sounds like!"
15. Just not sucking is an achievement for me. :/

8 Name: Mad Hatter : 2017-02-17 19:20 ID:Xbd1+7uD [Del]

Last thing I've done in a rpg was eating a cake... and fail '-.-