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Cool DS/GameBoy Games (10)

1 Name: Relay_Table : 2017-01-09 18:53 ID:xQ+MkVZX [Del]

Do any of my fellow Dollars have any awesome DS or Gameboy games they'd like to enlighten me with? I just need the name of the game, I'm capable of acquiring a copy of the game at a low price. I enjoy RPG games and Medieval games. Not so much First-person shooter games though. Thank you!

2 Name: Relay_Table : 2017-01-09 22:05 ID:1y5YNWl+ [Del]


3 Name: CloudStrife : 2017-01-10 00:41 ID:g9zPRV8M [Del]

I have Dynasty Wariors

4 Name: Satchel : 2017-01-10 00:48 ID:+ZAHSi29 [Del]

Some of my favorite GameBoy Advance games are Frogger's Adventures Temple of the Frogs, Sonic Battle, Yugioh Worldwide Edition, Yugioh The Sacred Cards, Super Monkey Ball jr, Egg Mania and Tetris Worlds. Zelda seems interesting too, but I haven't played it yet. Frogger, Sonic Battle and Yugioh The Sacred Cards are rpgs but the others are puzzle and platforming games. Yugioh Worldwide Edition is more challenging than Sacred Cards to me. I don't even know if there's story to Worldwide Edition. I hope I haven't said anything obvious. Hopefully this helps.

5 Name: Relay_Table : 2017-01-10 08:47 ID:1y5YNWl+ [Del]

Thank you guys so much, I shall look into these. Quite a few sound extremely interesting

6 Name: SetsunaOne : 2017-01-11 18:18 ID:jkFTO3Y9 [Del]

I can't really contribute but I hope you enjoy yourself :)

7 Name: cooldud3 : 2017-01-14 21:31 ID:DLzYq1QT [Del]

Pokémon Black and White have been pretty fun for me to play, so I would recommend it if you like Pokémon at all

8 Name: Setton : 2017-01-16 02:36 ID:oxDGJlKG [Del]

I wud recommend ya all to play Unison League a best mmorpg ;)

9 Name: Hajime : 2017-01-17 07:52 ID:fXp4Gwcg [Del]

I would recommend the Professor Layton series. It's got a lot of fun puzzles and a good story

10 Name: Homura : 2017-01-17 09:32 ID:iMYZaMxs [Del]

Devil Survivor: Overclocked, Devil Survivor 2: RecordBreaker, Project X Zone, or any of the Fire Emblem games if you like strategy/tactical RPG games.