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Are You Looking For JRPGs? Or Fun Games? (5)

1 Name: Angel Fire : 2016-12-22 15:55 ID:oB8oO5eW (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 265 kb) [Del]

src/1482443710930.jpg: 1024x768, 265 kb
If youve been trying to scractch a JRPG itch or wanna have fun playing a super fun game, then I recomend you palying the "Tales of" franchize. It is easily my favorite series of games, and the cahracters and story are really well writen. Not to mention the gameplay if fun and challenging.

If you want to give them a try I suggest starting with "Tales of shymphonia". It's my favorite out of the series but it's also and older game (I played it originally on the gamecube, but it is on steam as well now). The story and characters are great (minus collete I wasn't a fan) and the experience as a whol.e is great> Tales of Xillia and its sequal would be my next favorite. A new game in the series is about to be released to the west in january and im super hyped for it. Hope those trying it out will enjoy them as well. <3

2 Name: Angel Fire : 2016-12-22 15:57 ID:oB8oO5eW [Del]

Also one other thing if you play through Tales of shymphonia DO NOT PALY THE SEQUAL "Tales of Shymphonia Dawn of the new world" you would be highly dissapointed. To put it bluntly it's shit...

3 Name: APerson : 2016-12-28 19:59 ID:P8mKAziB [Del]

i just want to know a fun game is all.

4 Name: Angel Fire : 2016-12-28 20:30 ID:oB8oO5eW [Del]

It's fun trust me do it become one with tales

5 Name: Asukiyo : 2016-12-31 04:28 ID:DV1thS72 [Del]

>>2 I did the sequel as well, I wonder how I was able to finish this piece of trash...
Anyway, Tales of games are really good.
Here is a little list of what's "good" and "wellknow" :
• Final Fantasy games
• Persona games
• Xenoblade Chronicles games
• Atelier games
(• Star Ocean games ?)