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Visual Novels







If you could create a game... (13)

1 Name: AlexFanatics : 2016-11-18 14:53 ID:kZVmTdaN [Del]

If you had the power to create any game, whether it be a sequel, prequel, au or original story, what would you create?

Pls don't say FNAF lol

2 Name: Kiki : 2016-11-20 01:05 ID:MH4Hu2TI [Del]

I would make "Passenger". Here's the information and where I got it from.

3 Name: Enigami !Pg4Gkav.2A : 2016-11-20 08:26 ID:uss/niTM [Del]

I had an idea for a GTA-style sandbox game featuring a robotic protagonist. They actually used to be human, but had their soul implanted in the robot as part of a shadowy government experiment. It turns out they were wrongfully executed by the dystopian government, who claimed he was a rebel conspirator.
Art style would be cell shaded and heavily 80's cyberpunk in aesthetic. There would likely be a faction system, with a system similar to the reputation system of Fallout: New Vegas, as well.
That's all I got.

4 Name: siegrandir : 2016-11-21 10:16 ID:FHEZj+1a [Del]

Bully-action rpg-open world-style , with japanese school setting(just like those j-movie crows zero), also with a lot of banchos from other schools. we can create our own character. battle with other school without getting caught by polices or teachers. We also still need to attend some class to maintain our status as student, if you fail, you need to change your school, retake the entry exam or game over.

5 Name: Hitachi V. : 2016-11-24 23:41 ID:FiPRIa1V [Del]

I would create a game crossover of call of duty, halo, assassins creed unity, and give it an anime look.

6 Name: assasinman2676 : 2016-11-25 19:00 ID:3GTrSady [Del]

this may sound dumb, but i would make a game with customization like in darksouls, an animation style akin to an anime version of any assassin's creed games, difficulty levels to rival those of the soulsbourne series, lots of comedy, a camera that followed you in the 3rd person, lots of weapons and armors, magic, a great story, and finally, multiplayer like in darksouls 3. Also, the main character doesn't have a voice, like Gordon Freeman. RISE AND SHINE MR.FREEMAN, RISE AND SHINE

7 Name: Hitachi V. : 2016-11-28 18:11 ID:M90a57qP [Del]

I would play that. It sounds cool. Why would you think it sounds dumb.

8 Name: BaconManagement !WPlSl2rjhU : 2016-11-29 23:52 ID:RUIGuFXg [Del]

half life 3

9 Name: assasinman2676 : 2016-11-30 21:45 ID:3GTrSady [Del]

>>7 i'm, what you would say, unconfident in myself and my own abilities. that's why I said it might sound dumb

10 Name: McSlayer : 2016-11-30 22:17 ID:4PcPpmtr [Del]

I would create a open-world GTA style game with rights from lots of popular fandoms, to have different characters and maps with features to go along with them. Examples: One Piece, Marvel Comics, DC comics, Soul Eater, and others that are highly suggested.

11 Name: Kanra : 2016-12-06 13:36 ID:ljlsNiZY [Del]

A Watch_dogs that takes place in the future.

12 Name: _Lighter_ : 2017-01-26 10:21 ID:le3Rudey [Del]


13 Name: Akin !XBh441uxgo : 2017-02-04 23:36 ID:9QZ8fCnI [Del]

I'm an Indie game dev, I can create any game I want. :)