Dollars BBS | Games










Visual Novels







Dollars VS. (36)

1 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-03-29 21:57 ID:/dQCKLVl [Del]

I'm itching for a good fight online, or we can work together. Whichever, doesn't matter to me. the games I play are as follows but I may add more later:

1. Sword Art Online: Lost Song
2. Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax
3. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS

let me know what game you want to challenge me to or work together with me in by leaving someway of contact.

2 Name: HotFatWabbits !3HjgH5KamE : 2016-04-02 02:27 ID:iiV8LtjQ [Del]

make that smash bros for wii u and I'm in

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-04-03 03:45 ID:/dQCKLVl [Del]

i'd like to but i can't at the moment, i need to send in my Wii U for repairs...

5 Name: Toguro : 2016-04-03 11:53 ID:RzR08uIZ [Del]

That good idea

6 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-04-13 11:58 ID:1qiCk0F+ [Del]

I think this needs a bump.

7 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-04-19 15:53 ID:eZlYLCNu [Del]


8 Name: Tsubley : 2016-04-20 05:55 ID:1ULn+31v [Del]

If you play SAO i'm here :D

9 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-04-20 14:10 ID:eZlYLCNu [Del]

excellent, I'll set up a room in Lost Song nightly for the remainder of the month. The password will be "SAO$". Tonight will be the first night and the room should be open around 9:30 tonight, Mountain Time. Looking forward to seeing anyone there!

10 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-04-20 14:15 ID:eZlYLCNu [Del]

I should probably note that the room will be a "Extra Quest" room, not PVP.

11 Name: Punyama : 2016-04-21 10:18 ID:hCasAu6e [Del]

Try me in Fighting Climax
My PSN: Bleakchild

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-04-22 02:30 ID:/dQCKLVl [Del]

I forgot to mention, Lost Song and Fighting Climax are only on the Vita as of the moment. I'll inform you if that changes.

14 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-04-25 21:46 ID:/dQCKLVl [Del]

The SAO: LS Dollars Extra Quest room will be open tonight around 10:00 p.m mountain time, tonight. The password is: SAO$. I'm willing to take on anyone in Fighting Climax, let me know when you want to fight.

15 Name: Saika : 2016-04-26 14:22 ID:YXq7HZtG [Del]

sao lost song is on ps4 and vita

16 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-04-26 15:12 ID:eZlYLCNu [Del]

>>15 yes, but I'M only available on the Vita versions at the moment. that's what I meant by that.

17 Name: Saika : 2016-04-27 10:21 ID:YXq7HZtG [Del]

oh ok

18 Name: Raiden !7Q4NyuHp/E : 2016-04-27 15:14 ID:eZlYLCNu [Del]

does no one have any interest in playing Lost Song? I've made the room for over a week every night.

19 Name: CloudStrife : 2016-04-27 19:43 ID:g9zPRV8M [Del]

>>18 I would, but I don't have a PS4 or the game. Anyone want to give theirs to me?

20 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-04-27 23:32 ID:yxltMrmx [Del]

You can find me on steam. I play Robocraft.

21 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-04-28 00:16 ID:/dQCKLVl [Del]

>>19 I'm only available to play the Vita versions of Lost Song and Fighting Climax at the moment, if you have a Vita you can play it on there.
1. I don't really use Steam, nor can i access my Steam at the moment anyway. I would like to use it more often, but my laptop is nearly garbage so it can barely run the software itself. That, and i'm more of a console gamer anyway.
2. Holy sh*t, FindMuck acknowledged my thread!

22 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-04-28 00:49 ID:yxltMrmx [Del]

I'd really like to play with other members. VS and team play seem very interesting.

Sadly, I don't have a console, so we're on opposite ends of that one. Only got steam after my ps3 broke some odd years ago.

If you come across any cross-platform games, reach me at

23 Name: Raiden !7Q4NyuHp/E : 2016-04-28 13:41 ID:eZlYLCNu [Del]

i'll leave my email here so everyone can contact me if they want to play online.

24 Name: Setton : 2016-04-30 10:08 ID:HvtDi5+e [Del]

Anyone heard Borderlands 2? Its beatiful Fps Co-Op game

25 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-05-02 11:55 ID:1qiCk0F+ [Del]

i've heard good things about it, but i haven't played it myself. i don't play FPS games much. sorry Setton. but if anyone wants to set up a time and a room for other games, i welcome it. i made this thread so that more Dollars can play more games together. this thread isn't just about me vs. everyone. talk to one another and list off the games your available for and when you are available. remember to add your time zone though to avoid confusion.

26 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-05-03 10:21 ID:1qiCk0F+ [Del]

i'm also available for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royal on the Vita if some one wants to play.

27 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-05-04 22:59 ID:/dQCKLVl [Del]

I have a room in Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Vita) for all who want to join.

28 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-05-05 11:21 ID:eZlYLCNu [Del]

I'm going to have a room open in Fighting Climax for the next two weeks. The room will be open around 9:30- 10:00 pm, mountain time. I had the idea that to know who is a Dollar, we could change the icon on our I.D. to either Izaya's knife or Shizuo's road sign. Hope to see someone there!

if you want to suggest a game or just want to chat, this is my email;

29 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-05-11 13:53 ID:1qiCk0F+ [Del]


30 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-05-19 03:13 ID:/dQCKLVl [Del]

Again... Bump.

31 Name: Raiden !7Q4NyuHp/E : 2016-05-30 15:07 ID:eZlYLCNu [Del]


32 Name: Raiden !7Q4NyuHp/E : 2016-06-01 15:11 ID:eZlYLCNu [Del]

Notice my thread!

33 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-06-01 19:33 ID:yxltMrmx [Del]

Reach out and link to any dollars gaming groups you can dig up maybe?

34 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-07-22 00:40 ID:/dQCKLVl [Del]

We can use this thread to organize game meet ups in MMOs or other games. Pokemon GO, Mabinogi, Overwatch, ect. Just leave a time and what room it is and if the room has a password. or in the instance of MMOs, the time, room/server, and the location of the meet up. Have fun everyone! i'm available for Mabinogi as well.

35 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-07-22 03:50 ID:nbaUhPLO [Del]

Have you seen the dollars discord server yet? We made a subsection for gaming just recently!

36 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-07-24 17:21 ID:/dQCKLVl [Del]

>>35 Just signed up! Thanks FindMuck!I wish the thread was used more though... I thought that it was a good idea...