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Best Game Series Soundtrack? (13)

1 Name: S-Senpaii : 2016-02-18 06:41 ID:sLBcpkYh [Del]

Hey guys! Was deciding whether this should be in music or games, and I decided games...
But what are some of you favorite game soundtracks?

Some of mine are probably The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Soundtrack, and Final Fantasy X Soundtrack.

What about you? What are some of your top game soundtracks? ^_^

2 Name: Perpendicular : 2016-02-18 09:55 ID:kWuBp8me [Del]

I love the Final Fantasy 13 series soundtracks. And I played the Final Fantasy 15 demo. From what I heard, I'm expecting that the soundtracks are going to be pretty good. :)

3 Name: Natsumii : 2016-02-18 16:21 ID:08VI4J1E [Del]

I absolutely LOVE the Undertale soundtrack! You should listen to it if you ever get the chance ^^

4 Name: S-Senpaii : 2016-02-18 23:42 ID:lRfBy24V [Del]

>>3 I have listened to the Undertale soundtrack from recommendation and it is amazing!!

5 Name: ichi !rnj/L5ZmBM : 2016-02-19 09:48 ID:UzH5MhBF [Del]

undertale has a great soundtrack. and oh, check out the touhou series (the main game series Toby Fox was inspired to make undertale). great soundtrack. there's also the legend of zelda, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, and the bravely default series. i know there's a lot more games i've enjoyed listening the music to, but this is all of them i could think of! :3

6 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-02-19 09:55 ID:2aWymAnj [Del]

I really like the Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack and the Life is Strange soundtrack

7 Name: Tarō Tanaka : 2016-02-19 19:23 ID:8wbHa08p [Del]

Fran bow-smell is pretty good to me it is short though about 1 minute
Also Nisemonogatari -Bird of Death

8 Name: Flora !EuaL9hSxts : 2016-02-20 05:21 ID:l0vaYrnC [Del]

Oh come on, of course it's Silent Hill.

9 Name: Nagakura : 2016-02-20 20:22 ID:c6XEXgh8 [Del]

I really like the Devil May Cry soundtrack (The original ones, haven't played the remake), though I like the soundtrack from Devil May Cry 3 best. Or maybe I just like Metal ^_^'

10 Name: Pugzilla : 2016-02-20 23:56 ID:QJE3Ys8B [Del]

The Last of Us' soundtrack tugged at my heart strings the entire game. Especially the bit where this plays.

11 Name: Pugzilla : 2016-02-20 23:58 ID:QJE3Ys8B [Del]

Hope I didn't screw up dat link lulz.

12 Name: Nocturne : 2016-02-21 01:55 ID:VZY1HXcl [Del]

Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 both have really great soundtracks.

13 Name: Agisa : 2016-02-21 07:04 ID:YJUFiI9j (Image: 1365x767 jpg, 163 kb) [Del]

src/1456059860017.jpg: 1365x767, 163 kb