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Anybody play yugioh? (14)

1 Name: fatboycasey : 2015-12-29 17:17 ID:zInnjpCZ [Del]

Anybody here play the card game yugioh

2 Name: Arreis : 2015-12-31 14:02 ID:saLsmnxf [Del]

Yes, actually. I must say, it's been a while since I've been able to hook up with people to have a good duel, haha.

3 Name: burnt !o8p9T3E4pc : 2016-01-01 12:00 ID:bf45o9nA [Del]

I have a ton of old cards, but I haven't been in any deuls lately.

4 Name: Piero : 2016-01-01 16:08 ID:DvThIzLD [Del]

Hey there^^
I just recently had a buddy to duel with :D
we played a whole night and i actually lost every single duel...
But! I didnt play that card game in ages, so thats a good excuse i think..
what are your decks themes? I collect harpy cards, anybody got some?^^

5 Name: burnt !o8p9T3E4pc : 2016-01-01 19:27 ID:CHO6djIH [Del]

I typically use whatever cards fit my strategy. For instance, I once built a deck around summoning two gate guardians onto the field to fight at the same time.

6 Name: D's Journal : 2016-01-02 00:31 ID:RquXK3NR [Del]

augh, yu-gi-oh these days is so much different. Cards are becoming increasingly "game breaking". I mean the combinations of effect are so powerful and complicated these days. It's still a cool game and all and fun too, but the game is always changing and it requires more money out of my pocket to level up to the regulars playing, I don't think I'll be playing yu-gi-oh for a while or any card game for that matter.

7 Name: sharo : 2016-01-02 01:42 ID:rUv1Iezm [Del]

That's meta for you D, and I run a blue eyes deck (don't tell kiba I jacked his deck).

8 Name: Senna !WUMK03wgmA : 2016-01-02 01:44 ID:i6OBiqgr [Del]

I recently started playing thank's to my someone close to me. Once you start, it's easy to get really involved.

9 Name: Nagakura : 2016-01-03 14:30 ID:c6XEXgh8 [Del]

I used to have a buddy in highschool I'd duel with during the lunch break (that was three? maybe four? years ago). He had this awesome deck based around traps and spells, barely anyone beat him. Turns out I had the only deck that ruined his entire strategy; Tyranno's deck (with the addition of a few cards I had lying around. Mostly Noble Man-eater Bugs, and a Hungry Burger or two. I also tend not to play with many spells or traps). Sadly, I don't think my deck would be able to compete with a lot of the newer ones.

10 Name: koga : 2016-01-04 00:04 ID:XSvVZEmR [Del]

hey i happened to be a previous player and i used to have a yubel/e-heroes deck and moved on to play chaos,then i settled on gustos

11 Name: Hajime : 2016-01-04 15:28 ID:fXp4Gwcg [Del]

I am currently running a synchro-dragon deck in it but it doesn't have the best record against newer archetypes

12 Name: Lurker : 2016-01-04 16:56 ID:guw/W3ei [Del]

My legend begins in the year 2005 AD.

I had a warrior deck. Then I completely lost interest in the game and went on to whatever.

13 Name: T.K. : 2016-01-05 02:43 ID:/t5UV3/H [Del]

I am working on a Solar system deck right now, but ya i still play some times.

14 Name: Azoth : 2016-01-06 12:23 ID:72RyestA [Del]

Pend's suck so much... they ruined the metagame.

I run a custom water deck. But I also run a fortune lady deck, a Zombie deck, and a snake deck.