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ps4 (7)

1 Name: Dr. Stylish : 2015-11-08 19:19 ID:8dba9FgR [Del]

My brother and i are about to buy a new console and are thinking we want to buy a ps4. but my brother is split between the ps4 and the xbox1, i want to know which one my fellow dollars think we should buy. cuase i dont want to spend 175$ on the wrong console.

2 Name: kenya : 2015-11-09 00:08 ID:Ym1aiaeu [Del]

i would go with ps4

3 Name: Trotski : 2015-11-09 14:06 ID:2Z5L2muW [Del]

The PS4 has better performance/visuals for multiplatform games than the X1 (usually). And the exclusives it has are also great.

I would suggest the PS4 with BloodBorne and also Metal Gear Solid 5. If you want to get the Xbox One, get the console and MCC and Halo 5.

4 Name: NPP : 2015-11-09 15:51 ID:1r/T4Rg7 [Del]

I have a ps4 and I highly recommend you buy one.

5 Name: Chrome : 2015-11-15 10:50 ID:ZqKisrpf [Del]

i think pc is better than ps or xbox

6 Name: Stupid Cat : 2015-11-15 11:25 ID:ZrqvbPiM [Del]

>>5 In terms of performance, the PC is a machine with limitless potential. It really can't be beat. However, you're not going to get an awesome gaming PC for as cheap as a console, so in my opinion PCs can't be considered consoles and thus are non-comparable. Gaming consoles are characterized for being affordable and cookie-cut, so that all of the same consoles will provide the same power. For PCs, this is not so, as they can be as powerful as your wallet is deep. And now for the question the OP asked:

Dr. Stylish, my advice to you is look at what games each console has. Exclusives, indie, AAA's, etc. Choose the console that has the most games that you and your brother want. You can pretty much ignore all the blather about hardware arguments, as most of that is just argument that allows the poster to justify why their console is 'better'. Keep in mind that neither the playstation nor the xbox are truly better than each other.

Nintendo obviously makes the best best consoles.

7 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-11-15 17:01 ID:RaUGEDhV [Del]

what >>6 said but the PS4 is "marginally" better over the Xbox one in the fact it has more raw power and you can swap out the hard drive for a bigger one i,e solid state drive :D, as for the Xbox one you would have to "void the warranty" by cracking it open to even get at the hard drive.

Just go for which ever you like, and even maybe the one which you have the most friends playing on :D