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Thoughts on halo 5 (13)

1 Name: Bk201 : 2015-10-28 12:37 ID:oh8D5mBM [Del]

So I haven't played it I just watched it, but what do you think I thought the story was really good and I like the idea of cortana brcoming the villain. But I really don't have any thoughts on the gameplay since I didn't play it.

2 Name: Creed : 2015-10-28 13:19 ID:Cqi8e49c [Del]

I think Halo 5 is a fantastic entry in the series and probably the most fun I have had in Halo a long time!

If you ever get it, email me your GT at and we'll go win (or lose) some slayer and warzone matches!

3 Name: 5064 : 2015-10-28 18:25 ID:hXknMRrg [Del]

I don't have it but want it and it looks reeeeeaaaaaly good

4 Name: Tifel : 2015-10-28 20:01 ID:TBRlR+7j [Del]

Super smash brothers

5 Name: Hyperion Corp. : 2015-10-28 20:52 ID:8dba9FgR [Del]

this is not a smash bros thread

6 Name: YUERRAH : 2015-10-29 11:25 ID:H+SOUHbR [Del]

Super smash flash

7 Name: Apoc !wxFgSMZig2 : 2015-10-29 17:58 ID:7lGNDdZH [Del]

Halo 5 is really good I recommend it! That whole scenario is really well done and makes a good set up for the next game that is to come, but I really recommend giving it a try

8 Name: Tifel : 2015-10-30 11:35 ID:RlE5b2SL [Del]

Should start a group on halo 5 for the dollars! Get our name out there somemore!

9 Name: Enigami : 2015-10-30 14:55 ID:uss/niTM [Del]

Saw a trailer for it today. I'm not an XBox person myself, but the trailer seemed very interesting.

10 Name: Creed : 2015-11-03 09:17 ID:Cqi8e49c [Del]

Do you guys have xbox live? It would be awesome to play some team slayer or warzone together!

11 Name: Shadows~ : 2015-11-03 11:08 ID:Ky8OXXy9 [Del]

@Tifel That's actually a really good idea x3
We gotta think of a shortened version of Dollars to put in the tag though. Maybe a $ sign if it lets us, or DOLR?

12 Name: Rykero : 2015-11-04 10:12 ID:36S5gc8J [Del]

DLLR would be a better looking tag I think. I still need to get my Xbox fixed :/

13 Name: raiden : 2015-11-04 13:11 ID:uOdcmfPZ [Del]

Warzone was the best feature of Halo 5 in my option.