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Visual Novels







Cards Against Humanity- Durarara!! style (9)

1 Name: Panther : 2015-07-25 13:06 ID:cYwtx/v6 [Del]

I originally posted this to Animation, but was told it should go here instead. Sorry about that!


I'm making my own deck with the help of some websites, and it can be played online. I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions for black cards or white cards. My deck is super small right now, so I'd like some help!

Also, if anyone wants to play it with me online using the deck (once I think it's big enough, that is), that would be a blast. You don't need to sign up for anything to play it, but you do need to sign up to make your own deck.

Which is why I would be super honored if anyone would post their suggestions here!

2 Name: XxWolfTerrianxX : 2015-07-26 01:24 ID:xNCWhErU [Del]

i would love to play cards against humanity with u but if i may ask how?

3 Name: Strange : 2015-07-26 08:38 ID:j4x6Xoew [Del]

I think atleast some of the white cards should just be names, for example: Izaya, Mikado, Shizuo, etc.
And I also have an idea for a black card, if you like it feel free to use it! ^w^

''Russia Sushi! It's ___! It's ___!''

4 Name: KLOP5 : 2015-07-26 09:19 ID:TQXiDLQL [Del]

If anyone wants to play here, the password is 'baccano'

5 Name: Terror : 2015-07-26 19:36 ID:lOjmwSqv [Del]

XD one card should be, "Shizuo beating you so hard that you shit out your organs."

6 Name: Panther : 2015-07-27 13:05 ID:pK5vpd8h [Del]

Thanks for the ideas, you guys! :D

And yeah, that's the website I used, too. I'm making my deck with Cardcast since it's compatible.

7 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-07-29 18:09 ID:DN1Ih9fD [Del]

Ooooh, how about the white card 'Awkwardly long groping sessions.' (inspired by the weird 30 seconds of Anri x Erika fan-service)? How many cards does the new deck have now, 'le~?

8 Name: Shadow : 2015-07-30 17:48 ID:MD83DYAy [Del]

I think the obvious black cards are
"Why is Shizuo pissed today?" and "What are the Dollars really for?"
but some white cards could be "human sushi" "being an attractive headless shadow woman" "middle school gangleaders"
idk they're probably not that funny, I hope you get some interesting submissions

9 Name: Panther : 2015-08-02 14:06 ID:WrJt8A+1 [Del]

Ooooh, these are good! Thanks guys! :)

So far, I have 54 black cards and 119 white cards. The deck is D2VFY on cardcast if you want to use it.