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Visual Novels







Epic Indie Games (21)

1 Name: Hakuai : 2015-05-04 23:48 ID:Op2BhWbQ [Del]

Hey everyone, I'm looking for some funny, scary, or otherwise awesome indie games, (Preferably RPG style, and 8 to 64 bit) if you know of any that haven't really gotten much recognition then let me know on this thread, this can also be used for anyone to find some such games!
Here's a list of a few I currently have
It Moves
Street Fighter X Mega Man
Slender (From so long ago)
TellTale Heart
Tempus Fugit
The Crooked Man
Goodbye new world
The White Chamber

2 Name: Kagerou09!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-05-05 01:37 ID:q7Q0CZca [Del]

I know some: (This ones are Rpg, very similar to The Crooked Man)
The Witch's house
Mad Father.

3 Name: Enigami : 2015-05-05 07:43 ID:MUZmT3cP [Del]

Well, it's not out yet, but No Man's Sky is looking like it'll be pretty epic.

4 Name: Zeno : 2015-05-05 10:54 ID:1rSRExp+ [Del]

Try playing the Data Hacker series.

5 Name: Hakuai : 2015-05-05 15:41 ID:Op2BhWbQ [Del]

I'll check them all out! Oh and @Kagerou09 I know those, I actually deleted them to save space on my computer, since I beat them, Great games though!

6 Name: Enigami : 2015-05-07 05:29 ID:MUZmT3cP [Del]

Recently started playing Bastion. I like it. It has a nice art style, and the isometric perspective doesn't throw me off as badly as I had thought it would. The story is a little vague, though I have just started it. Maybe things will clear up as I go. Anyways, I recommend it. It just hit PS4 about a month ago, and is also for mobile platforms and PC.

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: Yrian : 2015-05-07 08:50 ID:zm+KcpyC [Del]

How about Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines? It's an old RPG game.

9 Name: Toastywafflz !qVs0Vq85og : 2015-05-07 21:02 ID:bNs92IPX [Del]

Kenshi is a fun RPG/Tactical squad-based game in development that takes place in a fictional wasteland-ish desert setting with fantastic creatures, interesting combat mechanics, potential town building, and ferocious cannibals that will knock you out with metal bars and lock you in cages until dinner, along with much more. It looks great and I can't wait for there to be more, so there's that.

Exanima is a fun little title that's focused on showcasing the dev's engine and physics based combat system. It has a bit of a learning curve but it's fun once you get it down and it feels pretty rewarding. Since everything is simulated physically, you can run and trip over chairs in the like or be clotheslined by enemy weapons. It has a medieval fantasy setting.

Medieval and Space Engineers are fun games and building medieval siege engines and structures, and space vessels, stations, and the like, respectively. Both are promising and Keen Software House is an awesome developer so I totally endorse throwing your money at them.

Tales of Maj'Eyal is one of my favorite RPG's; it's a tactical turn-based RPG that has rogue-like elements depending on the difficulty settings you set things to; it doesn't have to be but it can be an incredibly fun and challenging rogue-like, and dying is something to be worried about; plus, it makes finding ways to cheat death in game (the most overt example being attaining lichdom as a Necromancer) all the more rewarding. There are multiple races and classes, as well as tons of mods that add even more awesome races and classes. It's a turn-based RPG kind of deal, but the turns all occur at once; I.E., you move, the enemy moves, you cast a spell and they bite you, stuff like that. Unless you manipulate time, which is definitely possible, but if you aren't careful you'll cause a paradox and get yourself killed because the chronostream locks you out of using chronomagic...

And although you didn't necessarily ask for an FPS, Interstellar Marines looks and feels pretty good. Seriously, it's beautiful, so if you wanted to look at an FPS I'd check it out.

10 Name: vera : 2015-05-08 06:58 ID:BO4ik6wi [Del]

Binding of Isaac is pretty fun, and pretty dark too haha

11 Name: Nekster : 2015-05-08 07:45 ID:5STfgbK3 [Del]

Yandere simulator?

12 Name: Shizuo : 2015-05-08 09:35 ID:xXy3dvbS [Del]

Have you tried Five nights at Freddy's? It is basically a trilogy and I bet you have heard of it. Try it out, it's loads of fun. And Mad Father, The Witch's house, Amnesia and Among the sleep. These games are really scary and amazing I suggest you try them out.

13 Name: LCL : 2015-05-08 14:55 ID:Y1Xll5W9 [Del]

I'm making an indie visual novel that's gonna have a demo out soon, not sure if you are in to those, but I thought I'd mention it. It's website is

14 Name: Hakuai : 2015-05-08 14:59 ID:Dj/fzNYR [Del]

>>12 Shizuo
I actually know all about FNAF, I've actually talked to Scott before.
I have the third game, and the fourth was recently announced.

15 Name: River-Chan : 2015-05-09 00:40 ID:8FC8qwa3 [Del]

Heya!! If you haven't played it yet you could try out The Mirror Lied. Its not really that scary but it more gives you aan uneasy feeling at the end. Its really awesome and its only like 20 min. I think you should try it out if you can. :)

16 Name: kua-soda : 2015-05-10 10:54 ID:1fWmB5Lz [Del]

Have you ever played Alice Mare? It's a good game to pass time by :D There's also the LiEat series made by Miwashiba (who created Alice Mare as well). He makes pretty interesting games in my own opinion.

Also, I don't know where you get or download indie games such as Ib or the crooked man, but if you haven't visited vgperson's blog then I'd recommend that you do. There's a list of downloadable indie games in there.

happy gaming \(^o^)/

17 Name: Koala : 2015-05-10 21:12 ID:2wDzsKPt [Del]

There are a couple of games I'd like to try out.
Mogeko's Castle
Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Gray Garden
Like I said I haven't played these games yet but they look interesting :D

18 Name: Blank : 2015-05-10 22:58 ID:ES8KSc/m [Del]

Based on the games you list I suggest trying out "Risk Of Rain". It's a side scroll shooting adventure that I guarantee is a definite must play for indie game lovers like you (and me of course :D)

19 Name: Kirani : 2015-05-11 10:47 ID:qOk6YwXq [Del]

Where's my hammer

20 Name: Enigami : 2015-05-11 10:54 ID:MUZmT3cP [Del]

Recently started Ether One. I got really not the puzzles and psychological themes it had going, until it crashed on me. I played it on PS4, so if anyone else had problems with it and fixed them, please let me know.

21 Name: Shek : 2015-05-12 02:09 ID:Qu0mSW9y [Del]

May i suggest you "Rogue legacy and Tales of maj'eyal?

If you have nothing about roguelikes, that is. These games serve well as an introduction to roguelikes. Once you get the feel of playing a roguelike, you should play cataclysm:dda, a roguelike zombie survival game, and nethack, a roguelike which may very well be mone of my favourite games of all.