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Visual Novels







Age of Aincrad (30)

1 Name: SAO fanmade : 2015-03-29 16:11 ID:mok1bDUb (Image: 303x166 jpg, 13 kb) [Del]

src/1427663514639.jpg: 303x166, 13 kb
You guys love Sword Art online? You do? Did you ever wanna be in Aincrad? If you did then be sure to check out Age of Aincrad project! These guys are making an mmorpg based in Aincrad! They've been working on it for years and are very serious about creating a 3D aincrad mmorpg with all 100 floors! I've been following the project for quite a while and they are very serious. They are doing motion capture for the animations now. Previously the had done livestreams of programming or creating the menus and stuff like that! They should have an open beta by 2016. I want your opinion on this! Check they're page and if you like them be sure to spread the word :D

2 Name: Frizz : 2015-03-29 16:13 ID:mok1bDUb [Del]

oops i screwed up my name!! The real name is Frizz so scratch the sao fanmade name :D

3 Name: Blank : 2015-03-29 20:41 ID:YqRwOqac [Del]

So they are planning to make one eh. *.* Is there any close beta in it? And is it an online game?

4 Name: Frizz : 2015-03-30 05:56 ID:JQUTEXTF [Del]

Yeah it's gonna be a free online mmorpg. They have given some alpha keys. No there's not going to be a closed beta I asked one of the devs on a livestream once. However they are aiming to release an open beta sometime early 2016.

5 Name: Merubiku : 2015-03-30 08:06 ID:22zF/Ux7 [Del]

It's awesome.... I hope they make it as a real online game

6 Name: Midorima sora : 2015-03-30 10:47 ID:RCKKdSft [Del]

Sugeeeeee im watching this

7 Name: EtherealPhoenix : 2015-03-30 11:35 ID:bYwo9h/K [Del]

This would be really cool with a oculous rift type screen, and a motion controller (I mean a better version of the wii that someone will probably make eventually, or something more along the lines of the kinect) it would be a lot like the "real" thing. I know that the controls I am hoping for are a bit farfetched for a non-AAA game but I don't feel like the combat style would be much fun with the traditional MMO controls since it would basically just be a bunch of sword based spells at that point.

8 Name: Frizz : 2015-03-30 13:04 ID:VPbH6U83 [Del]

They did mention that the combat style will be a lot like TERA, it will require good positioning to launch attacks and you will need to move really really well, this kind of combat will even allow you to solo a boss, just like in the anime

9 Name: Ryuukichi : 2015-03-31 12:03 ID:x3Quwt54 [Del]

is there a link to their page or something?

10 Name: [DontbeLazy] JackDenkin !3U.19DFF1s : 2015-03-31 13:35 ID:013f/NYL [Del]

>>9 You could just honestly search "Age of Aincrad" on google, it be the first result there.

11 Name: XCross : 2015-03-31 14:25 ID:mh0Voe8b [Del]

Imma need a link, I can't find it :(

12 Name: Frizz !iqthU3m5P6 : 2015-03-31 15:25 ID:keHgPGVo [Del]
here's a link to those who can't fin it :D
If it says MAINTENANCE MODE IS ACTIVE they're probably fixing the page or something

13 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-03-31 19:51 ID:9KFBh6PA [Del]

All we need now is for Project Morpheus to run this game and we'll be set guys, except I'd like the VR headset to use high density microwave transceivers to capture our facial image and actually give a VR full dive into the game buuuut that's just me XD

14 Name: K : 2015-04-01 04:59 ID:cLsTCfl2 [Del]

Aha I didn't think this project was getting so popular. The team has been through a lot over the last few years. They've put an insane amount of hours into the project and would stay up for hours at a time just to finish something. I know that 2016 sounds like a long time, but please be patient and supportive, they really are working at full speed.

15 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-04-01 07:38 ID:9KFBh6PA [Del]

>>14 as long as a decent quality project is released plus all the aspirations they sought to achieve in this game are there i could wait for them, they have my full support

16 Name: Shikato : 2015-04-01 14:09 ID:cPEwfYsy [Del]

My body is ready! Frizz thank you for sharing because this is something I will absolutely keep up with.

17 Name: Frizz !iqthU3m5P6 : 2015-04-01 16:42 ID:2+sIWSUA [Del]

>>16 you're welcome dude! i've been following this project for a while now and i'm really looking forward to it :D

18 Name: Kai : 2015-04-01 18:24 ID:bf/GmK3h [Del]

Wow. Thanks for letting us know about this, man. Much appreciated. Can't wait to see where it ends up going!

19 Name: AkasakaRyuunosuke : 2015-04-02 18:42 ID:9POF/5Xb [Del]

not sure if you guys have heard, but they're already developing a VRMMORPG. they are able to now make the body move in the game, though you have to move yourself. however, i believe it would take another 2-5 years before it's a complete Virtual Reality. thought you guys should know.

20 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-04-02 19:20 ID:9KFBh6PA [Del]

>>19 yeah I've seen videos on that they stand on a sort of platform with the headset on and walk around, the fps games as well you're given a gun controller

21 Name: Frizz !iqthU3m5P6 : 2015-04-03 05:50 ID:ZIDp54pV [Del]

>>20 Do you know the name of the project?

22 Name: Shek : 2015-05-13 14:19 ID:pSM3n+o7 [Del]

Looks amazing. Any news about the project though? Seems kinda dead...

23 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-05-13 17:25 ID:zHEvjK8D [Del]

really omg so cool!

24 Name: Fray !W1Nq.7lGn2 : 2015-05-13 17:32 ID:+KGOw45t [Del]

>>22 It's not dead. While there hasn't been much news about the actualy game dev, I know that their website was updated a little more than a week ago I believe, so they're very much active, they've probably just been busy with offline stuff. Though i'm sure they've still been working on the game, I know there's some rather recent update footage somewhere on youtube, so yeah.

25 Post deleted by user.

26 Name: √3 : 2015-05-13 22:28 ID:c15zUYAx [Del]

Looks amazing!!

27 Name: Kise : 2015-05-27 17:03 ID:SLE2/bby [Del]

Looks like it will be a really good game. I still hope they come out with a game based on the actual anime/manga, but still.

28 Name: M : 2016-04-13 13:09 ID:TQtQqTaO [Del]

bump. Looks cool actually. I'd hope to be experienced enough to try out to be a part of the dev team.

29 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-04-14 10:50 ID:eZlYLCNu [Del]

Do you think they figured out Starburst Stream or The Eclipse? I figured out how to pull off Starburst Stream and currently working on The Eclipse.

30 Name: IK : 2016-04-14 14:34 ID:Raoykc8I [Del]

I worked on this team a while ago. There was a big shift in how the game was gonna be conducted and made, and how it would be played so I just left. I'm sure everyone will still love it, just I think it was better the way it used to be :'( anyway, things change, oh well.
The team is very skilled and I recommend following and supporting the project!