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Visual Novels







Dark Souls (8)

1 Name: SaneHamlet : 2015-01-11 00:34 ID:R91VJILx [Del]

Just wondering which part of the series people found to be the most difficult

2 Name: B3 : 2015-01-11 01:33 ID:TRn9Bgit [Del]

Well, when I first started, the tutorial gave me a beating until I realized that there is no way possible that I can beat that damn asylum demon with a broken sword.

3 Name: BK201 : 2015-01-11 02:25 ID:lXDlRCw8 [Del]

Dark Souls was only hard for the beginning duration, once you knew what you were doing and realised how much of a hit you can take before you're bent over and f***ed, it really was easy, but in saying that, Dark Souls was so much more challanging compared to Dark Souls 2...
But thats just one gamers opinion xD

4 Name: RolfSatz : 2015-01-11 02:58 ID:Cuyd/+0d [Del]

I think the bosses from DS1 are a lot harder compared to DS2.
O&S is just ridiculous, Artorias is really challenging but also my favourite boss and Bed of Chaos ist just dumb...

5 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-11 18:37 ID:zXks9AN7 [Del]

>>1 posting in the right Dark Souls thread in forums and message boards after playing the game was the hardest for you, huh?

>>2 you can do it, try being good at the game scrub

6 Name: Wise guy : 2015-01-14 12:13 ID:4gRANxtt [Del]

every boss....?

7 Name: BK201 : 2015-01-15 01:29 ID:lXDlRCw8 [Del]

>>5 is probably being a tool because he's never beaten it xD

8 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-15 06:59 ID:Er9mqFF6 [Del]

>>7 yes I have, idiot.
I'm probably better than you at the game.
I'm a beast.
I don't level health, I don't wear heavy armor, and I don't use magic.
I stomp kids all day when it comes to Dark Souls.

You're probably crying because you're a fucking Havelfaggot.

I'm being a tool because this is a duplicate thread, we have a pretty long Dark Souls thread already.
Also, because beating the Asylum demon with the broken sword is not impossible in the slightest.
If you can't do it, you need to get better at the game. This is just a fact.