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Visual Novels







Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (13)

1 Name: BloodGallade : 2014-10-04 22:54 ID:qaut8Yxy (Image: 500x740 jpg, 128 kb) [Del]

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Who else picked up this fabulous game up! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ*:・゚✧ We need the Hoppla for the Persona Series. PERSONA PERSONA PERSONA!!!!!!!

2 Name: Chibi-chan : 2014-10-05 07:35 ID:xwPYwIrV [Del]

Not yet, but I'm waiting for it! Stupid late European game releases! We always get stuff last. Can't wait for late November though (I was told the release date was on November 21st? Or somewhere close)
But anyways, *Rise voice* Personaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

3 Name: BloodGallade : 2014-10-05 11:48 ID:qaut8Yxy [Del]

@chibi-chan awwwww im so sorry for you! I feel you deserve a hug and your veryown Bearsona!

4 Name: Izanagi : 2014-10-05 12:41 ID:0yX8SnCF [Del]

I can't find the game anywhere in Finland...I want this game so badly

5 Name: Chibi-chan : 2014-10-05 14:15 ID:xwPYwIrV [Del]

@bloodgalade thanks ^_^ but it's less than two months, so I guess I'll have to be patient
@izanagi European release is on late November, we'll have to be patient!

6 Name: Izanagi : 2014-10-05 14:23 ID:0yX8SnCF [Del]

This november...Well,Time flies by pretty damn fast,I'm sure i can wait

7 Name: BloodGallade : 2014-10-05 20:03 ID:qaut8Yxy [Del]

You guys gonna get Persona Q when it comes out?

8 Name: Hunter : 2014-10-12 21:25 ID:mPcSMpSb [Del]

Yes....I preordered the wild card edition

9 Name: Shikai : 2014-10-16 00:24 ID:BpVxPPcL [Del]

I am personally addicted to online fights, but i can't get friggin' p3 story to 100%! grrr....stuck at 99%....

10 Name: PresidentWalrus : 2014-10-16 12:20 ID:y17enam5 [Del]

Been playing ultimax every day since i got it, went through both stories,played a bunch of golden arena, invited 2 friends over and got some serious competitive matches going. haven't gone online yet (i'll get to it after i play episode adachi)

>>9 had the same problem, you have to go make the choice and play all the way through till after you're in the tv, sho does different stuff at that point, i think you have to run it till to be continued but i dunno.

11 Name: Masaya : 2014-10-16 19:53 ID:Tjc/QML9 [Del]

omg but can we talk about PersonaQ it looks live!

12 Name: BarabiSama : 2014-10-17 16:27 ID:dWeNcqBO [Del]

A new Persona game is coming out! Ahhh! (»Ow0«)

13 Name: Caster : 2016-05-10 01:41 ID:7rhY2H48 (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 117 kb) [Del]

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Whoa this is a old thread. And it looks like you were just discussing it coming out.. And not actually playing it.. Anyways getting my point out there, I'd think it'd be really cool to battle other dollars in Arena Ultimax! My name on the play station is earthfairy! find me, fight me, friend me, Whatever you want just choose~